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facebook.comWater Conditioning Information, Emergency Preparedness Tips & More!
Village of Pemberton eNews: Water Conditioning Information, Emergency Preparedness Tips & More!
Timeline Photos
Public Notice | Bear Activity Behind Signal Hill Elementary A mother bear and her cubs have been spotted several times in the vicinity of Signal Hill Elementary. Caution should be taken when near the wooded areas around the school. Conservation has been contacted. Click here for bear safety tips:
Day 5 of Emergency Preparedness Week. Tip of the Day: Gather Important Documents
More great emergency preparedness tips from VoP's Emergency Coordinator, Rachael. #Beprepared #Getprepared #EmergencyPreparednessWeek
Timeline Photos
Please note, Airport Road has been temporarily closed in both directions due to down powerlines. It is estimated that the road will be reopen by 4;30pm.
Timeline Photos
Public Notice | Keyhole Hot Spring Trail Closed Please note, the Keyhole/Lilwatatkwa7 Hot Springs Trail is CLOSED by order of the District Recreation Officer. This public safety closure is due to the presence of at least FOUR AGGRESSIVE BEARS in the hot springs area. Food and garbage frequently left at the hot springs has taught these bears to obtain food from humans. These bears now directly associate food with people, are behaving aggressively, and are obtaining food from tents, and backpacks. In this type of situation bear attacks are VERY likely. Help us ensure your safety and the survival of these bears and DO NOT ENTER THE AREA. Always be cautious and prepared for an encounter with bears when travelling in the wilderness.
Winds of Change
Check out this week's Wellness Almanac Blogger, VoP staffer, Rachael. Rachael is the Village's Emergency Program Coordinator and she's sharing everything you need to know about Emergency Preparedness. And why not check out the Village's emergency preparedness page here:
Village of Pemberton's cover photo
Project Update | Water Conditioning Project The Village of Pemberton will start the water conditioning implementation during the week of May 8th. The Village has issued an information sheet with a project timeline and related FAQs. Download the information sheet here: Questions? Contact the Village Office at 604.894.6135 or
New wellness directory for youth launched
Check out this incredible resource, Plan-Y, created by Pemberton's Child and Youth Mental Health and Substance Use (CYMHSU) Collaborative:
Timeline Photos
Join us, Wendy and Rachael from the Village of Pemberton, TODAY at the Downtown Community Barn for our Emergency Preparedness Open House! We'll be here, between 11am and 2pm, sharing tips and tricks on how to be better prepared for flood, wildfires and other disasters. See you soon!
Water Conditioning Update, Zoning & Sign Bylaw Survey & More!
Water Conditioning Update, Zoning & Sign Bylaw Survey & More!
Photos from Village of Pemberton's post
You’ll have the chance to meet local first responders and find out more about what they do for our community. Join us at the Emergency Preparedness Open House on Saturday at the Downtown Community Barn between 11am-2pm.