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Peace River Young Adults

8602 98, Peace River, Canada
Religious Organization



Stay updated with all the awesome stuff that the young adults of First Baptist Church do. Ages 18-29, this is the place to be!


Karl Barth for Dummies

Basically sums a good portion of our discussion through the book of James.. 😂

Karl Barth for Dummies

Hey Young Adults! There's been a slight change of plans for tonight! Instead of our regular Bible study we're going to go and take in Gracia Burnham at Peace River Christian Fellowship Church. The event starts at 7 so let's just plan to meet there together. If you need a ride feel free to contact me.

Hey everyone! Some folks in our church are doing some moving tomorrow and need a hand, they're willing to pay! Let me know if you're interested!

Hey Young Adults! Come on our for Bible Study at 7pm tonight. We're gonna run things a little differently tonight, we're going to aim for a shorter more focused discussion time! I look forward to seeing you!

Hey Young Adults! Bible Study at my place tonight at usual! We are starting at 7pm sharp so be there or be square!

Hey young adults! There is Bible study tonight but it starts at 8 instead of 7! See you then!

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Hey Peace River Young Adults! Tonight at 7pm we are going to be discussing the miracle of the incarnation! Come join us for Bible Study at Everett and Brenda's House, 8726 95 st Peace River.

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Hey Young Adults of Peace River! We're going to have a board games night at Everett Budd's house (8726 95 st Peace River) from 6pm-9pm. Come on out, bring your favourite board game if you like, there will be snacks and hot beverages! Looking forward to seeing you guys there!

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Hey Everyone! Last week we had an incredible time with our study group! I look forward to tomorrow night when we carry on with part two of the fellowship of the king. If you haven't been out yet and you would like to join us for bible study then please don't hesitate to come out at 7pm to Everett's house at 8726 95st! I hope to see you there. If you have any questions call 7806174277.

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Hey young adults! Tomorrow night we are going to have our first young adults bible study of the season! We are going to meet at my house from 7-9pm to start a study on discipleship called "The Fellowship of the King" (witty I know). I look forward to seeing you guys! There will be beverages and light snacks. Just bring your Bible and yourself! The address is 8726 95th street. Contact me at 7806174277 for more information.

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Hey young adults! Are you away from your family? Wondering what you will do for thanksgiving? Well Peace River young adults are having a thanksgiving dinner for anyone who is far from their family and looking for someone to share a thanksgiving dinner with! We will be getting together at 8726 95 st Peace River on Sunday October 9th at 5pm. We would love to have you join us! If you would like more information call 7806174277.

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Hey young adults! Herman Friesen is helping some folks move to Grimshaw today and he's looking for a few people to help unload their moving truck at around 5pm in Grimshaw! Let me know if you're available!


NEAR Peace River Young Adults