Days Gone By Antiques and Collectables
Days Gone By Antiques and Collectables
Vintage and Antique Jewelry , Depression Glass , Carnival Glass , toys , silver , etc.
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facebook.comIt has been a rainy and cold day here in Oxford , but that hasn't stopped the tourists. I even met tourists from Ohio today. Hop to meet many more over the summer. Travel safe , arrive alive!
Hope that everybody has a safe and enjoyable weekend. Don't drink and drive.
This is such a tragedy , so many young men dying. Our condolences to all of the families affected .
So very tragic.
If you expect to have money deposited in your bank account next week , you should have worked this week. This is how the system works.
A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. David Brinkley
Great minds discuss ideas , average minds discuss events , small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt