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Spirit Trek "Journey to Self-Awakening."

, Olds, Canada
Local Business



Sessions Offered:
Bowls, Bells and Heavenly Smells
Bowls, Bells and Breath/QLB
Bowls, Bells and Body Balancing
Spiritual Adventure Tours      Spirit Trek "Journey to Self-Awakening" was founded in 2007 and reflects Rhonda's own personal journey to awakening and returning to a life filled with balance, peace, joy, love and harmony.  She shares her years of gaining knowledge and experience as a single mother, a career woman and her journey to a more holistic approach to life. Spirit Trek offers opportunities to find that inner knowing; that spirit within; that creative and adventurous side through a multitude of holistic offerings and spiritual adventure tours.

Rhonda offers classes and sessions through "The Little Shop of Healers", in Olds, AB. 403-507-2772.; through "Rock N Om" in Sundre and through her own business, Spirit Trek.

Rhonda is a heart-centered soul who masterfully creates and holds sacred space so growth, awareness, healing and integration can occur.

With a clear and loving connection to source she channels energy for those ready and willing to receive. Rhonda has a foundation as a Reiki Master, BelVasPata Grand Master and Munay-Ki Shaman. Rhonda uses these gifts, and her natural nurturing style, to lovingly guide you through your session.

You will leave feeling aware, awake and motivated to walk your path with clarity.

Rhonda also offers Spiritual Adventure Tours: Wild Dolphin Swim in places such as Bimini, the Bahamas & Hawaii; Dolphin and Whale watching tours in Costa Rica;  Sacred Site Vortex Tours to Sedona, AZ; Humpback Whale/Sailing Tour 2016, in Tonga.  Various workshops and retreats in Central Alberta and Costa Rica.

Current Holistic Services Offered:
(in Sundre and Olds, AB)

Bowls, Bells and Heavenly Smells takes you on an enlightening meditative sound journey using crystal-singing bowls, mystical bells and beautiful healing oils. Combine those powerful modalities with positive affirmations and you have a recipe for immense growth and healing. The affirmations are specifically written to allow for release of old programming and blocks.  It is designed to align, clear balance and bring into harmony all of your chakras and meridians. (Group Session)

Bowls, Bells and Breath is a powerful-guided meditation using deep, rhythmic breathing and ecstatic sound. It is designed to greatly accelerate your personal transformation by bypassing the conscious mind and releasing old programs directly from the subconscious. It cleans and clears impurities, toxins and blocks on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.  It is transformational!
When you breathe deep, you heal deep.
(Group Session)

Bowls, Bells and Body Balancing uses crystal-singing bowls, mystical bells and a clear and direct connection to spirit. We tap into your energetic signature and flow source energy to wherever it is needed. This gentle, but powerful, energy healing promotes health and well being throughout the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. When mind, body and spirit are in alignment, natural healing is able to occur. (Private/Individual Session)


Girl Was Just Casually Waterskiing, But When She Looked Down Her Heart Skipped A Beat

I would be in my absolute glory if this was me! 💗🐬💗

Cross Creek Market

I will be a vendor at this market. Stop by my booth for a sample Far Infrared Session and/or sign up for a mini Breath Meditation. A host of great vendors and speakers at this market will prove for an enlightening day! Join us! 💕

Cross Creek Market

Sky News

Another beautiful Whale encounter. Wish I was them!

National Geographic Books

How spectacular!

Sky News

Spirit Trek "Journey to Self-Awakening."'s cover photo

Spirit Trek "Journey to Self-Awakening."'s cover photo

Spirit Trek "Journey to Self-Awakening."'s cover photo

Spirit Trek "Journey to Self-Awakening."'s cover photo

Zaphir Chime Sufi

I have placed a large order for Sufi Chimes, should be here from Europe, within a month. Anyone interested in one, let me know. They are awesome for meditation; breath meditation; reiki sessions and so much more!

Sky News

Just beautiful! 💕🐳💕

The Dodo

Orcas are so beautiful!! This would have been so cool!! (A little close to the propeller, for their own safety, in my way of thinking but I am sure they know what they are doing!)

The Oceania Project

Very cool!!
