U-pick between Olds and Didsbury, AB. We grow saskatoons, raspberries, cherries, apples and rhubarb. We sell pies, syrup, jam, and dessert topping. Mountain View Berry Farm is a U-pick berry farm between Olds and Didsbury, AB. We also make pies, syrups, jams, and dessert topping, available for sale to the public or local restaurants. We grow saskatoons, raspberries, cherries, apples, and rhubarb.
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facebook.comWe are closed for the 2016 picking season. Thank you to those who came to pick raspberries in our very abbreviated season. Sorry to all who were unable to get the fruit they wanted. Although it was such a bad season this year, we anticipate a bumper crop next year with all the vegetative growth the plants are getting this year. I hope you will remember us in the 2017 picking season. Until then, all the best to you and your family.
Last chance to U-pick raspberries this morning. There are lots out there so come and get them while you can.
We had a great picking day today and are once again picked out. We have decided to do one final picking day on Saturday for those who can only come pick on weekends. We are being picked out by noon each day when we open, so we will be open from 9am until 12 noon on Saturday July 30th. We will be closed between now and then to allow enough fruit to ripen up for good picking on Saturday. That will be our final day of picking.
We are open today from 9am until 5pm (or until picked out) for what is likely our last day of our very short season. We are picking raspberries and while you are welcome to scavenge for the very few saskatoons that exist, we do have frozen saskatoons available.
To Our Valued Customers: It has not been a great season to be a fruit farmer. We had frost during blossom that all but wiped out our cherries and saskatoons (the blossoms are what turn into the fruit). We then had 4 hailstorms, including golf ball sized hail that broke windows and damaged the little fruit we had. We opened for raspberries last Tuesday but we have already been picked out and are currently waiting for more fruit to ripen. I know that many of you have been disappointed to not be able to get the fruit you want. Weekends should be busy for us, but we cannot open this weekend with no fruit to pick. We have made the following decision. We will open on Tuesday July 26 for picking. If there is enough fruit we will remain open on Wednesday July 27. After that we will be closing early this season. We simply do not have enough fruit this year to warrant remaining open. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you give us a call, email, or Facebook message letting us know what fruit you are looking for, we would be happy to refer you to a nearby farm that has that fruit. We have many wonderful colleagues and while some have also lost their entire crop this season, some have not and we can let you know where to go. We do have some frozen saskatoons of good quality from last season. We also have some pies, syrups and jams, so if you want to drop by for any of those between now and closing day next Tuesday or Wednesday feel free. Farming is not easy. However, there are upsides to this difficult season: 1) The plants putting little energy into fruit production this season means they are growing like mad. So barring strange weather again, there should be a bumper crop next season. 2) We have off-farm jobs. We still have a good income and we are blessed for that. 3) We are going to have an entire month to spend with our young children. We have never had that with U-pick often ending just before back to school. 4) We believe that growing food is important. We believe it is important that we feed our own population as much as possible. A bad crop year does not change that belief, simply reminds us that diversity in farming is important. Thank you for your patronage. We do not take it for granted and we hope you will remember us next season.
CLOSED THIS WEEKEND We are still picked out of fruit. We need a few days for enough to ripen up to be worth opening up again. We still be CLOSED through the weekend and will OPEN AGAIN on Tuesday July 26th. That way the bushes should have plenty of red fruit and you will be able to get what you are coming here for. I am very sorry for those who work during the week and were planning to come this weekend. However, I don't want you to travel here and be disappointed.
We are PICKED OUT. We will close until Saturday morning to give some more a chance to ripen up. If you show up this afternoon or tomorrow you will be searching for berries. Thank you so much to all our pickers for coming out. We appreciate you!
Timeline Photos
Ready to be picked for opening day tomorrow! Open 9 am to 5 pm. Cash only.
OPENING DAY UPDATE: We will be opening Tuesday, July 19th, however, we will be opening for RASPBERRIES not saskatoons. The raspberries are ripening up nicely and will be ready for picking next week. Saskatoons are not ripe, not plentiful and have had some hail damage. In the coming weeks once they've had some sun and ripened up, if you would like to pick what is there you are welcome too. However, it will be picking individual berries, not clusters and many berries have small scabs from hail damage. It is a good thing we have more than one type of fruit to offer!
Our saskatoons are not nearly as abundant this year as last year. Just so you are aware, when we do open, the picking will be slower than in previous years. Raspberries are doing great - we picked the first ripe ones yesterday and if we get a few days of sunshine we should be near ready to pick them - another week I think.
Photos from Mountain View Berry Farm's post
We've been getting lots of questions about when we are opening this year. We are planning to open Tuesday July 19th. Below you can see where the saskatoons and raspberries are at right now.
Photos from Mountain View Berry Farm's post
Spring seems to have gone to the birds. Tidus (the dog) isn't quite sure what to do about all these new additions - protect or delicious snack? The muscovy ducks help with all kinds of pest control - mosquitos, flies, and mice.