CONNECT.INSPIRE.EDUCATE Promoting Arts and Culture in Okotoks, Alberta
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facebook.comMembership signup for this event will be available at the door!!! See you then! Meeting will be held at the Okotoks Elks Club. address in invitation
Happy Valentine’s Day! Did you forget? Do you still need to get something special for your loved one or your family? Do you want to avoid the chaos in restaurants tonight? We have the answer! You won’t want to miss this event to meet and greet Vancouver folk/rock band with a very unique sound NEXT THURS Feb 22nd and a chance to support your Okotoks Arts Council in this little fundraiser at the same time! Tickets are limited - don’t wait! Tickets for concert are here: Info and tickets on pre-concert event here:
Have you got your tickets yet? Don’t miss this or the special pre-concert event with this incredible Vancouver band! Okotoks Culture & Heritage Lineham House Galleries
A fun night out in Downtown Okotoks! Don’t miss meeting this amazing Vancouver band at a special OAC pre concert event at Lineham House galleries and an awesome concert at RPAC!
Did you know we can help your Arts Organization? The OAC offers sponsorship to Local arts groups!!! This year we sponsored the Okotoks Film Festival and the Foothills Philharmonics!! If you need help getting funding let us know, we are here to help the arts in the foothills!! email
Grads!! Are you looking for a future in the Performing arts? Consider these upcoming auditions. Make sure to check out all your options as well. Other schools to consider, if you would like to stay in Alberta:
Coming up in just over a week. See the Classic film on our own Big Screen here in Okotoks!!
Local live music! It is always fun to go and support local business and arts at the same time!!!
How great is this. Check out this amazing event and studio at the same time!! Studio Me is a great location for makers in Okotoks!!! Celebrate Art and fitness here!
Great local artists and art teacher, Robin Lisa Thibodeau, is teaching a class for kids on all those amazing medieval knights! Sign up now as spaces are filling up!
How cool. Family art events are great and we love the movie too. It is a work of art!!
Local artist and recipient of the OAC individual artist grant has a workshop coming up in January. Are you signed up?