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#Brands I #LOVE!!! Wraps, even 100% whole wheat tend to be so high in salt that it defeats the purpose of eating healthy. I always love to share wrap recipes as they are great for reducing calories and awesome for kid's lunches. My go to brand for wraps are "Ezekiel 4:9: Organic 100% Sprouted Whole Grain Tortillas." Packed with wheat, sesame seeds, soy beans, barley, millet, lentils and spelt. So these wraps are packed with #protein, #fibre and #healthy #fats. I love any food that promotes blood sugar regulation so these are definitely winners under this category! Best part of all, they are lower in salt with only 140mg per tortilla. They are super soft too which makes it easy for any recipe! #brandsIlove #healthyliving #hearthealth #lowsodium #kelleygenenutrition #oakville #burlington #oakvillemoms #abatonim #sproutedgrains #highfibre
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Check out these wireless safety tips from "Canadians For Safe Technology". With all our wireless screens and devices at home, work and in our cars, its important to know the risks involved. These tips are a great way to reduce wireless radiation exposure for you and your family! #C4ST #citizensforsafetechnology #healthyliving #kelleygenenutrition #abatonim #abatonintegrativemedicine #familyhealth #oakville #oakvillemoms #protectyourfamily
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How To Fit Walnuts Into Your #Everyday Diet Buying nuts is often very expensive. Its always better to buy bulk, but many people don't know how to consume the whole bag in time, or forget about them entirely. Here's my solution! Divide walnuts in half. Place the whole-nut pile into a freezer safe bag and place in the freezer. Add it to salads, yogurts, cereals, dips or use for baking. With the remaining half, blend into a #nutmeal before placing in the freezer. Walnuts contain a high about of natural oils so freezing prevents them from going rancid! Add 1-2 Tbsp of nut meal to smoothies, salad dressings, pancakes, thick soups, quinoa, cous cous, yogurt pops and many more dishes! This tip is great for kids as you can add it to baked and no-bake treats. I highly recommend nut-meal to Mom's whose kids love cheerios in the morning! #simplenutrition #healthyeating #nuts #protein #omegas #fibre Abaton Integrative Medicine
Kelleygene Nutrition
Looking to buy locally? Here's a great website that lets you know where to pick up locally sourced foods (including produce, meat, dairy etc.) Handy for exploring your area! Also for travelling & you're interested in checking out a #local #farmers #market! "Good Food Grown Right"... Love it!!
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Post workout snack for today! Walnut, oat, date & cocoa #brownies. Gives you the energy you need after a great workout & cocao is fantastic for this as its full of minerals that we lose when we #sweat! On busy days, these bad boys are awesome for getting you to your next meal beating #bloodsugar lows, fatigue and moodiness that tends to set in around 3:00pm. Instead of going for caffeine and the quick fix, try switching to a healthier snacking regimen! Think #protein, #carb & #fat combos to regain control of fluctuating fatigue levels throughout the day! When you eat with a purpose, you take back control of your body and fuel yourself with exactly what you NEED. Have a wonderful weekend! Be Mindful, Eat Well & Live Practically!
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Black Bean Soup & Pico De Gallo! Simple yet delicious and healthy! Aside from the bean, veggies, and beautiful colour, my favourite part of this meal are #SESAME #SEEDS. For your health, sesame seeds are a power house of #minerals and anti-oxidants such as #calcium, #zinc, #iron, selenium and copper. Aside from their bone building strength and immune boosting effects, they also increase your body’s ability to #absorb iron. They are a great source of #omegas and even protein! You can add them to literally, everything. As a garnish or a staple part of your recipe! Omelettes, yogurts, dips, smoothies etc. I love to add sesame seeds to cooked grains such as quinoa, amaranth, rice and couscous! The warmth of the grains, softens the seeds and you hardly know they are there!
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Egg sandwich loaded with fibre, healthy fats, protein and of course... #colour !!! | Mashed #avocado - boiled eggs- mashed #chickpeas -celery & Silver Hills #squirrellybread | So good and really filling! #bloodsugarcontrol #healthyeating #abatonim #nutrition #strategist #eggsalad #feelgood
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With #Summer around the corner, #poolside snacks, bonfires and #popsicles are too! Before school is out and we all get too busy with BBQs & day trips, lets learn about the dreaded #Food Dyes, #Additives and #Preservatives! This is the most prevalent health issue I work with when it comes to kids! They affect families in MANY different ways, sometimes more trickier than others! Our #grocery stores are full of them! Think of how colourful the snack, frozen food and cereal aisles are. It's unfortunate that parents have to deal with yet another task of keeping their kids #safe. Join me at Abaton Integrative Medicine to learn how to spot these foods, their #behavioural effects and how to find easy, practical alternatives. Thursday, May 12th @ 6:30-8:00 PM Fee at the door: $20.00 (Call to register for the Early Bird Special: $10.00) Call: 905-580-3333 Or Email: Happy Monday! Be Mindful, Eat Well & Live Practically!
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When it's Monday and you're not feeling the usual oatmeal! 😉 Banana, raw honey and peanut butter roll ups!! #simplefood #kidslovethis | I added 1-2 tsp. of walnut meal (which I keep in the freezer & add to pretty much anything!) Just sprinkled it over the peanut butter and honey. Still getting my protein, healthy carbs, fiber and colour.... Just mixing it up a little! #healthyeating #nutrition #breakfast #snack #earthbalance #happymonday #abatonim ---For a school friendly option, stick to raw honey and cinnamon with banana :) (For an extra, kick sprinkle flax seed or pumpkin seeds over honey!)
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Do you often feel frustrated about the amount of sugar you eat?... Even when you are consciously trying to avoid it? Do you ever see blogs, Instagram posts or diet advertisements rambling about the dangers of added sugars without explaining how it effects the body OR how to avoid it? Allow me to help :) With all the prepared and convenience foods out there, its so hard to spot added sugars. I often struggle myself with the feeling of excitement when I find a new food product that looks healthy, tastes healthy but then I end up eating so much that the amount of sugars I eat soars... defeating it's purpose entirely. Lets chat about this, how to spot sugars(even the fancy ones,) added sugars, artificial sweeteners, syrups and refined sugars. We will start by breaking down the exact effects that sugar has on ALL organs. I'll show you how to read labels and understand what you're buying. I will have snacking recipes on hand to cut down on sugars and get more of the good stuff. (You know, the protein, healthy fats and energy loaded carbohydrates!) When you leave this workshop you'll truly feel capable of eating much healthier without breaking the bank or stressing about keeping on track 100% of the time. (Avoiding that awful, no excuses, guilty feeling that nags us all and stops us from feeling our absolute GREATEST!) Join me at the CLARITY CENTRE, for the "FACT ON SUGARS"------March 24th at 6:30 pm ---Fee: $20.00 per person To RSVP, Call 905-465-5511 or Email: Super excited to see everyone and meet new faces at the Clarity Centre! Peace & Love
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Nothing beats homemade Bone Broth!! You control exactly what goes into it! & save small and large amounts for last minute dinners or bouts of the flu :) Using apple cider vinegar, a little lemon juice and a pinch of himalayan salt/sea salt, simply submerse your chicken carcass in water and keep on low-medium heat for 6-12 hours. Bone broth is very nutritious for many reasons. Its fantastic for digestive health, better absorption and relief of gut-related issues. Its high amino acid content fights inflammation, supports healthy bones and of course helps the immune system fight off infection. I store mine in large rubber ice cube trays to pop out when needed. I tossed in brown rice noodles with whatever vegetables I had in the pantry. So comforting :) Stay warm!
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Back by popular demand, I am leading another "Healthy Grocery Shopping" Workshop on March 2nd at 6:30pm. This workshop covers all areas and aisles of your go-to grocery store. I'll help you navigate to avoid sneaky processed items that can seem like a healthy option. Ingredient & Label reading is included! Join me at Abaton Integrative Medicine on Wednesday March 2nd, 2016 for this complimentary Nutrition Workshop! To register, call 905-580-3333 or Email: Be mindful, Eat Well & Live Practically!