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facebook.comBuilding Great Kids: Grand Opening
Check out the "Building Great Kids" video. . .
“Building Great Kids” Grand Opening
Oakville Christian School was buzzing with excitement last night as we celebrated the completion of our “gymnatorium". OCS alumni, friends and families enjoyed yummy food catered by Catch Catering, listened to delightful music with Christine Seidenberg, all while enjoying fellowship with each other in our brand new facility. We are thankful for the multitudes of people who made this event such a success and we praise God for his blessing of guidance and wisdom throughout the Building Great Kids Initiative.
OCS Top School at BASEF
Congratulations to those students who represented Oakville Christian School in the Bay Area Science & Engineering Fair (BASEF) from March 30-Apr 2. Once again, our students have made us very proud and we are pleased to recognize and share in their success. OCS sent 15 projects to compete amongst over 350 projects at Mohawk College. This year we were the top elementary school in the fair! Special congratulations to Thomas Jeneway & Hayden Lapko who are eligible to go to the prestigious Canada-Wide Science Fair in Montreal, Quebec from May 16-20. Our team included: Mowa Ayibiowu, Samuel Coleman, Max Guorgui & Mason Rivera, Thomas Jeneway & Hayden Lapko, Erin McOstrich, David Ribkoff, Sophie Thomas, Caleb Wong, Lucas Brenninkmeijer, Dominique Greyvenstein, Reagan Lindsay, Gabriella Moraes-Rae, Jamie Rodgers, Amelia Smith, and Kiara Theron. The following awards were presented at BASEF: Thomas Jeneway & Hayden Lapko – Gold Medal, Laurentian Chapter of SETAC Award Samuel Coleman – Silver Medal, BASEF 500 Award Caleb Wong – Silver Medal, International Society for Optics & Photonics: 1st place David Ribkoff – Silver Medal Sophie Thomas – Silver Medal Max Guorgui & Mason Rivera – Bronze Medal, Artistically Inspired Display Award Erin McOstrich – Bronze Medal Gabriella Moraes-Rae - Gold Medal Kiara Theron - Silver Medal, BASEF 500 Award, International Society for Optics & Photonics: 3rd place, Dominique Greyvenstein - Silver Medal, Presentation & Aesthetics Award Amelia Smith – Silver Medal Lucas Brenninkmeijer – Bronze Medal Reagan Lindsay - Bronze Medal Jamie Rodgers – Mohawk College Civil Engineering Award, Procor Engineering Award
Oakville Christian School
Check out the article in the Oakville Beaver!
New Gymnasium Reveal
Today, the students enjoyed a wonderful time of praising God and enjoying the blessing of our new gym facility. There was a great "mission possible" video, a time of singing and a balloon drop that will be remembered for some time. Parents, alumni and friends are looking forward to seeing the gym at our community event next Thursday evening!
Chapel Services 2015-16
Today's chapel featured Sara McCallum speaking with a focus on service. God Bless this wonderful group of students along with Ms. Elliot as they head off on a mission trip to Trinidad for March Break.
Hello Friends of OCS ... We are so EXCITED!! Our hope is that you have already "Saved the Date" and will be joining us to celebrate the highly anticipated GRAND OPENING of our new facility on April 7th at 6:15. This event is for adults only. Our OCS students will celebrate our new facility on April 1st (no joke). April 7th will be a catered event by Catch Hospitality and will be a wonderful opportunity to mingle with friends and families, tour our new facility, and enjoy a short program. Childcare is available for OCS students in PK-Grade 6 (See Paddington movie details on the link below). Please click on the link below to register (You must click "select a date" to register). With both March Break and Easter Week ahead of us, we would LOVE for you to register as soon as possible. If you require childcare, please register for both the Movie event (6:00 pm) and the Grand Opening event (6:15pm). If you don't require child care ... just register for the Grand Opening event only. We are looking forward to celebrating together. Blessings everyone!
Pink Shirt Day 2016
To encourage kindness and anti-bullying OCS students were invited to wear an item of pink to school. Also pink sticky notes of encouragement were posted on students' lockers.
Timeline Photos
Big day!! We filled in the blue square.
OCS Public Speaking Competition
Public speaking skills were on showcase yesterday as students in grades 1-8 participated in the Oakville Christian School Public Speaking competition of 2016. Categories represented were Scripture Memory, Poetry, and Original Speeches. The top two students in each grade level will go on to represent our school at the district-wide competition put on by the Association of Christian School International (ASCI) on March 3rd.
Timeline Photos
Looking for a game of pick up? Game on.
Science Fair 2016
On Wednesday, February 10 the grade 7 and 8 students participated in the annual Science Fair. These students have been working since November on their projects both in class and at home and their hard work resulted in some incredible learning and discoveries. The winners from the OCS Science Fair are eligible to attend the regional Bay Area Science and Engineering Fair (BASEF) at the end of March.