Grey Horse Photography specializes in horse, human and pet portraits in the eastern Ontario region. Grey Horse Photography specializes in capturing images of pets and animals of all kinds in eastern Ontario.
Who's the Photographer?
Meghan Balogh has been creating images for over a decade as a journalist and wedding photographer. Capturing images of horses, dogs, and animals of all kinds has been her passion during her time behind the camera. Grey Horse Photography is a collection of her animal works and a way to share her love for animal portraiture with others.
Who's the Grey Horse?
"Grey Horse" is Casey, a Percheron cross that has been in Meghan's life for 14 years. Casey was Meghan's first horse and he is now 18 years old. He has been her photographic muse and subject for the whole time she's owned a camera, and he has provided her with some of her favourite images of all time and the inspiration to continue in her photographic explorations.
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Studio M Photography Kingston
As many of you know I spent my summer shooting your family photos, horses, and lovely weddings while pregnant. Well, Molly has arrived! And with her a nice little break from photography as I enter my maternity leave. Here are some photos of Molly, as shot by Monica at Studio M Photography Kingston. Give her a 'like' on her page, her work is wonderful. :)
Thanksgiving family shoot
The fall colours are arriving in Greater Napanee, just in time for a lovely Thanksgiving weekend family photoshoot. Photos © Grey Horse Photography
T&A: Farm wedding
The rain stayed away long enough for us to make some great photos!
L&M: Better Together
© Grey Horse Photography
Engagement: T&K
A Newburgh engagement session by the beautiful Napanee River
Timeline Photos
More images from this great beach shoot coming soon! © Grey Horse Photography
Jessica + Riley
A photoshoot to say farewell to an old friend. It was an honour to take these photos for this pair. Photos © Grey Horse Photography
Engagement: Tom + Amanda
A gorgeous engagement shoot morning near Ottawa. Excited to shoot T&A's wedding next month!
Jacqueline Brooks dressage clinic
Dressage clinic with Canadian Olympic dressage rider, Jacqueline Brooks. Photos © Grey Horse Photography
Beach Day: Alicia + Finn + Xena
© Grey Horse Photography
Kristy + Clara: beach day
Photo © Grey Horse Photography