Touch of Wellness AVEDA Spa, Salon, Medical Spa & Wellness Center
Experience a total relaxation destination. Utilizing products from the prestigious Aveda body-care brand, A Touch of Wellness will offer treatments that create a total sensory experience. Designed to enhance overall well-being. Licensed under LLBO. The owner, Joanne Burke, and her dedicate team, will provide rejuvenating treatments designed to refresh, relax, restore and reduce the worries of life, bringing balance to mind, body and spirit.
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facebook.comDon't forget Whiskey Wednesday tomorrow night. You never know what HUGE Celebrities will be there. Buzz Collins Al Orr Deadleaf Distinguished Gentlemen. He Holds the door for Women, Respects his mother, Protects his family and ...........He does this in Style! #whiskeywednesday #fancysocks #goodscotch #greatentertainment #solomonwoodland
While there are several #SkinRejuvenation treatments available on the cosmetic market, these solutions to visible signs of #aging and #DamagedSkin are often optimized when used together. Our Photo Facial treatments use a multi-faceted approach to create new and rejuvenated skin. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out if you are a candidate for our Photo Facials. #diegodellapalma #fromFrance #photofacials
Give our new Aveda Kitten a name to WIN. Five $50.00 gift cards will be drawn on Sunday, March 25th. All you have to do is give our kitten a name, like and share our page. People that hate cats will come back as mice in their next life. Just saying! #meowingtons #kitten #instalove
Feed YOUR lips with an aroma-flavor of certified organic peppermint, ginger and vanilla every time you apply your lipstick. It's the perfect reminder that new #feedmylips lipsticks are 95% naturally-derived*! #avedamakeup (*from plants, non-petroleum minerals and water. Learn more at - - - - - #ingredients #makeup #aveda #bts #lipcolor #lipstick #aroma #aromatherapy #smellslikeaveda
Someone busier than you is getting a facial. Make time for yourself. Touch of Wellness AVEDA Spa and Salon #avedafacials #relax #refresh #renew #youonlygetoneface
Whiskey Wednesdays at Deadleaf Distinguished Gentlemen is amazing. What a honour to be sitting at the bar and hear "hey there cousin", as super star Solomon Woodland arrives for his first set. You won't want to miss out on this amazing downtown Napanee experience. Imagine having a hair cut, hot shave, with music, scotch, beer, a game of pool and lots of good friends. Just saying! Just another reason why Greater Napanee is so GREAT! #napaneehasexploded #deadleafdisguishedgentlemen #sogreat #excited
Copy @emilyboazman's undone, textured braids all spring and summer long. Get the look yourself with a little help from #TextureTonic. #styledbyaveda - - - - - #braids #braided #pigtailbraids #hairstyle #hairstyling #blonde #beachhair #vacationvibes
Deal with it! Book a massage at #TouchfWellnessAvedaSpa and say✌️to those bad vibes. - - - - - #aveda #mantra #motto #massage #spaday #spa #treatyourself
No #dreambathroom is complete without Air Control. Tell us which one of our products is YOUR must-have to win a FREE AVEDA PRODUCT? #avedaessentials - - - - - #hairspray #greenery #plants #instabeauty #aveda #avedasalon #topshelf #shelfie #inmybathroom #inspiration #decor
Everything's coming up roses this weekend at Aveda Canada thanks to this pretty-in-pink. #avedacolor by #AvedaArtist
Being rude is easy. It does not take any effort and is a sign of weakness and insecurity. Kindness shows great self-discipline and strong self-esteem. Being kind is not always easy when dealing with rude people. Choose to be kind over being right, and you'll be right every time because kindness is a sign of STRENGTH. Every act of kindness grows the spirit and strengthens the soul. #ourHaleyandHannah #werisebyliftingothers #howbeautifulwhenkindnesstouchesit #agifteveryonecangive
MY NEW READ! Thank you The McCaffrey Team Coaching Company Inc. I am so thrilled with the good vibes that are coming from the Touch of Wellness team. Since January I have felt more joy, peace, connection, success and gratitude than ever before. Here is what I am learning! Drop Out of the “Ain’t it Awful Club…..and Surround Yourself with Successful People. If you want to be successful give up blaming, complaining and stop making excuses. These are ineffective responses to events and do not produce a better outcome. To be powerful you need to take the position that you create or allow everything that happens to you. Never before have I heard these words at work, "I had such a great day, I don't want to leave work". #thefutureisbright #healthyandhappyenvironment #sograteful #amazingteam #heretoserveyou