We are Favour Valley Acres Life Skills and Sustainable Agricultural Lands. We have set aside 3/4 's of an acre of land to teach, grow, develop, and mentor. We are Favour Valley Acres Life Skills and Sustainable Agricultural Programs. We are donating the use of ¾ of an acre of land to teach, grow, develop and mentor individuals, young people and groups in the area of gardening, stewardship of the land and animal husbandry, to produce food and life skills to change lives and the cities mindsets about where our food comes from.
Would you or your organization be willing to donate your resources, time and or money to help us prepare the land and grounds for this invaluable work we are doing in this community?
Nanaimo Foodshare Society Where! (Local Food Matters) is excited about the work we are doing and has stepped up to assist us with distributing the produce from our gardens to those in our community who would benefit from this support. Their mission is to nurture a community food system where everyone has access to healthy food and no one goes hungry. Organizations such as our local food banks and shelters; as well as programs feeding children will be supported through this program.
We are looking for community involvement in order for this project to be successful.
Tell your friends
facebook.comGod is sooooo GOOD, VI Tree are removing trees from Generations Church and low and behold Debbie sees the posting. Continuing to get our gardens in Tip Top shape for Permaculture😆😁
Pictures of Charlie when we first got him and what he looks like TODAY, what a BEAUTY🐓
I like to PLAY DIRTY, play on words😆😀
The LOVE that Favour Valley Acres pours into ALL that come to our farm to be Taught, Grow, Mentored, and Develop Life Skills. These boys are Homeschooled and come weekly to our farm☺
We at Favour Valley Acres are HERE for OUR community and beyond❤💖💕💝💞
Looking Back of 2 years ago at Favour Valley Acres❤💞💝
We at Favour Valley Acres like to do things DIFFERENT. So if we Dance while doing our Chores and our animals JOIN IN wouldn't you as well😄😁
EveryONE needs a HUG❤
Coming home late last night from a meeting, and seeing the snow FROZEN in mid air almost, before coming crashing down😲
OH MY ours are a little to BIG to do this, but I'm sure Colleen Pepler can fix that🤣😃
Minimum damage on our property today due to fallen trees because of the sudden snow fall last night🙁
February 18/18 unexpected snowfall and our poor SHORT little Nigerian Dwarf Goat's tummies are rubbing on the snow🐐🐐🐐⛄❄☃😆😁