The Royal Montreal Curling Club is the Oldest Sports Club in North America located in the heart of downtown Montreal.
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Croque-en-bouche for Ivo and Sandy wedding!
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Sunday's meetup was a great success! Here's one of the winning teams with their awesome coach, Jen McLaren
Super soirée ! Le bal des débutantes !
EAT, DRINK & BE MERRY! RMCC Members come celebrate the joy of the season at our annual Holiday Celebration!
The Royal Montreal Curling Club
The Royal Montreal Curling Club
The Royal Montreal Curling Club's cover photo
The Royal Montreal Curling Club
The Royal Montreal Curling Club's cover photo
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Come on out to curl this Friday at 8pm. Bring your friends! Venez jouer au curling avec nous ce vendredi a 20h00. Vos amis sont tous bienvenus!
Pétition e-456 - Pétitions électronique
Saviez-vous que le Canada a gagné plus de médailles olympiques en curling que n’importe quel autre pays et ce n’est même pas notre sport national? Aidez-nous en signant la petition pour inclure le curling en tant que sport national. La date limite est le 3 novembre prochain, hurry hard et faisons en sorte que chaque “pierre” compte!
Petition e-456 - E-petitions
Did you know Canada has won more Olympic medals in curling than any other country and it's not our national sport? Help fix this by sweeping the petition to make it our national sport. The deadline is November 3rd, hurry hard to make each "rock" count!