Our simple employee engagement activities allow for your management to make data-driven decisions, that'll make your workdays better. A lot of the time, HR managers don't know what are some of the flaws within their office, leading employees become disgruntled and disengaged.
We're providing "smart" HR analytics using game-like activities, that will gather valuable information.
For about 5 minutes a month, you'll be able to see some of the faults and strengths within departments within your organization.
Our data will provide a quick summary and suggestions to help better a company, office, or department.
To sum it up, we've completely reinvented the way that employees give information back to their management, and vice versa.
Whether it's:
- Employee Surveys
- Performance Reviews
- Recognition
- Employee Engagement
- Even Colleague-to-Colleague relations
We're creating this to create better, faster, and motivated offices.
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facebook.comWhy You Need To Develop A Growth Mindset
The mindset that we’re in makes all the difference between seeing the glass half full or half empty.
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Sign #12 that you may be a bad boss 😱
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Employee disengagement costs more than $500 billion per year to the US economy! 🔥💰🔥
Icebreaker Games: How To Get To Know Your Office
🎊 Planning a party later today? 🎊
Building Culture On Remote Teams
Company culture isn’t about having a fancy office!
The Perfect Schedule For Ultimate Productivity
The Perfect Schedule For Ultimate Productivity 🔥 ⏰ 🔥
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"20% of employees said their boss never bothered to follow up any concerns raised." 😥
The Key Differences Between Introverts And Extroverts
Every team has a mix of introverts and extroverts, and every leader needs to know how to lead each type of personality. 👭
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A goal is a dream with a deadline 🔥 🚀
19 Frightening Workplace Mental Health Statistics
80% of U.S workers put in more than 48h per week 😲
The Key Differences Between Introverts And Extroverts
Which one are you?
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70% of employees say you have to work late and work overtime to get ahead, 62% of employers agree. 😱