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Turkish Kebab House

5130 Dixie Rd. Unit 6, Mississauga, Canada



Friendly Turkish family owned restaurant with delicious food and great deals!  if you ever have the chance to go in, you will see her at the back preparing the food you are about to order. Growing up with a great brilliant chef like her, I always felt like a king. Her recipes have been inherited from her mother and who knows how far back they go. It is certain that she serves and prepares the meals with passion.
We are a Turkish family from Istanbul. We respect our history and look forward to our future. We the Turks create the perfect balance between the east and west. We connect Asia and Europe with culture, peace and World food. We are ancient and modern. We are diverse but united. We pride ourselves with every single dish served to you. At King Kebab we try to capture the essence of Ottoman cuisine. And if you can see the simplicity in its complexity, then you too understand the most important building stone of a great Empire, and what is left of its cuisine and its people.

Turkish Kebab Family


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