Head 2 Toe Bowen Therapy and Reflexology
Bowen Therapy is a holistic approach to pain relief and healing. It works by performing gentle moves over precise points on the body. There is a wide variety of acute and chronic conditions for which Bowen Therapy is used. Some of these issues include, but are not limited to, improvement of mobility, reduced stress and pain, increased energy and circulation, lymphatic drainage and detoxification. Here is a list of conditions that respond well to Bowen Therapy: frozen shoulder/shoulder pain, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, Arthritic pain, knee and hip restrictions, pelvic problems, postural problems,leg length discrepancies, bunions, firbromyalgia, hernia, headaches/migraines, shin splints/foot& ankle problems, plantar fasciitis, respiratory issues/allergies, digestive /bowel problems, IBS and balance issues.
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Enjoy a weekend of relaxation, fun and making new friends.
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Happy New Year. Looking forward to seeing you in 2017.
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A Reflexology treatment is perfect after a day of Christmas shopping.
Head 2 Toe Bowen Therapy and Reflexology
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This is cool and easy on the arms.
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An awesome gift for Mom 💖 Please share with friends and family.
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