Masjid Darul Iman was founded to serve the the town of Markham's rapidly expanding Muslim population, with the intention of offering vital Islamic services Masjid Darul Iman was founded to serve the the town of Markham's rapidly expanding Muslim population, with the intention of offering vital Islamic services to the community and to please Allah Subhaanahu wa ta'ala.
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatohu This is a courtesy reminder for the session "Strong Families - Parenting in a digital age" "Strong Families - Parenting in a digital age"An interactive session by Dr. Zaihan Rashid on Sat Nov 12th @ 8 PM With a popular demand from community after the "Parenting Workshop" by Dr. Zaihan; we are pleased to host an interactive workshop on the topic "Strong Families - Parenting in a digital age". Purpose of the workshop is as follows; 1. Identifying concerns and known social problems/difficulties amongst the generation of older vs. younger adults and their children at home. 2. Presenting practical steps to deal with them and involving attendees to make it real. Approx. time frame is 1.5 to 2 hours In sha Allah. The audience will complete a questionnaire to identify the problems as indicated and then will have an opportunity to ask questions as well as suggest their solutions which have worked for them previously. WHAT: An interactive session on "Strong Families" by Dr. Zaihan Rashid WHEN: Saturday, November 12th after Isha at 8 PM WHERE: Islamic Center of Markham, (Masjid Darul Iman), 1330 Castlemore Ave, Markham. Please click the link below to RSVP as we have to arrange for the printed material distributed during the session. Please spread the word and mark your calendar to attend this important session with your families. Wassalaam, Majlis-e-Shura Masjid Darul Iman
Abu Eesa
"Parent/ child relationship" ❤scene 1) construction of a Kaaba, an old father Ibrahim AS and his young son working together to raise the walls of Kaaba. ❤Scene 2) Court is in session, father Dawood AS and son Suleman AS sitting together trying to solve the problem together. Son came up with a solution, father embraces it because there is no competition between the two. They both wanted to reach a conclusion together. ❤ Scene 3) Son Yusuf AS saw a dream, he shares it with his father before anyone else. Father listens to it carefully and guides his son about the interpretation of a dream. ❤ Scene 4) Father Ibrahim AS saw a dream, shares it with his son directly. Son takes it so positively and advices his father to act upon it. ❤ Scene 5) Mother puts her son Musa AS in a case, slides him in a river then transfer the whole mission to her daughter. Daughter handles it so well, she took care of it. Mother trusted her daughter completely and daughter didn't let her mother down. ❤ Scene 6) Father Luqman gave beautiful advice to his son with understanding, love and Hikmah. Son listens to his advice seriously. Today we have this dilemma called "Generation Gap" How can we bridge this gap? How can we have same type of relationship as we see in Quran? The answer 🔹the common Themes in all of the scenes above are 1⃣understanding 2⃣ trust in relationship 3⃣common goals 4⃣caring and respected attitude 5⃣communication 6⃣same level of understanding of Deen. 7⃣they read the same Book 8⃣they had the same interest;serve الله This can happen if we connect ourselves and our children to book of الله إن شا الله bi iznillah Imagine! Mother daughter comes home after a class and discuss what they learn together Imagine! Father and son discussing together how to solve a problem in a local Masjid. Imagine! The whole family is on the same page when it comes to Deen. O الله make my family my assistant in Deen. وَاجْعَل لِّي وَزِيرًا مِّنْ أَهْلِي ﴿٢٩ And appoint for me a minister from my family - Taha :29
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Did you recite surah Al-Kahf today? Also lets not forget to make special duaa for people in Kashmir, Palestine and Syria.
"Save your children from today's contemporary challenges " by Dr Zaihan Rashid
Fundraising Dinner with Imaam Siraj Wahaaj
Assalam alaikum! we would like to organize a program for both parents and children. The topic is "Save your children from today's contemporary challenges " by Dr Zaihan Rashid. Dr Zaihan is a surgeon who uses Quran and Sunnah to provide solutions to modern issues. I would like to check if you are available on Saturday Oct 1st from 9pm to 10pm at Masjid Darul Iman 1330 castlemore ave. markham. Please confirm today, as we need maximum participation for this program. Jazakallah Khair
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Fundraising Dinner on Sunday 9th October 2016 to pay off the 2nd Last Installment for the Building Due October 2016 - Help Make this House of Allah Debt Free Chief Guest - Imam Siraj Wahaaj Please join us at the fundraising dinner on 9th October 2016 and help fulfill our vision to make the Islamic Center of Markham Center (Masjid Darul Iman) as the" focal point" for our community. Please purchase the tickets online or at the office or after Friday prayers.
The Ideal Muslimah
Yasir Qadhi
Eid-ul-Adha Prayer Based on the moon sighting, the Eid-ul-Adha (10th day of Dhul Hijjah) will be on Monday September 12th 2016 (10th Dhul Hijjah 1437). Masjid Darul Iman will hold the Eid prayers at 9:00 AM sharp Insha'Allah. Alhamdullilah, we have ample parking, so please be on time. Please be on time as there are no other Masajid in the vicinity offering Eid-ul-Adha prayer later than 9:00 AM. Alternatively, Eid-ul Adha prayers will also be held at Jam'e Masjid Markham at 7.30 AM and 8.45 AM.
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