People with workplace flexibility work better together. Becoming a member offers you a great place to work with a focus on networking, health & wellness.
The Village Hive, located in the beautiful Olde School House in Markham Village, is joining the coworking movement in January 2016.
It will be a welcoming place for entrepreneurs, freelancers, people with workplace flexibility to come together for networking, collaboration and health & wellness. People work better together.
Bring your laptop, work for the day, enjoy free coffee/tea & great company and join one of our many workshops that will be offered. We are so excited to welcome new members! More details on membership options will be coming soon.
We believe in work-life flow.
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facebook.comA Community Art Project - Canada's 150th Birthday!
Come join us to build a piece of CAKE using 3D pens! Children Welcome! Please RSVP On behalf of the “For Canada with Love” Birthday Cake Project organized by New Step 4 U and Markham Association of Community Champions I invite you to lend a hand in a Community Art Project commemorating Canada’s 150th anniversary celebration. We believe that there is no better way to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday than to connect people together. We believe that because being Canadian means being welcoming, spreading the joy around, and bringing cheer to every heart around us. To celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday we set out to create 3D-printed cake using the 3D printing pens. The cake will encompass Canadian symbols and Canadian spirit. The symbols will be created using the 3D pen, which draw with plastic. The cake will be created between May 15th and July 1st by the community organizations, and will be featured in the Canada Day parade at Milne Park, Markham. The cake will feature 150 candles that will be carried by the community champions through the Markham parade. You are invited to join us and other community organizations to be a part of this special project. We estimate that it would take about 900 hours to create the 12ft diameter, 4 layers and 8ft tall cake. To help us create it on time we would like to ask you to spread the word in your community and network and bring more people together for action as a symbol of unity among all members of our diverse community as we celebrate our collective pride of being Canadians. Participation in this project requires minimum of 12 participants and the fee is “pay what you can”-based and all proceeds will be going to support healing art program for people in transition periods. Please join us as you will make this event a huge success!!!
Timeline Photos
Look who's Hanging at The Hive today! Samantha King, Accountability Couch. #hangingatthehive #coworking #coworkingspace #collaboration #networking #brainstorming #gettingthingsdone #thriveatthehive #entrepreneur #markham #gta #officespace #sharedspace #tgif #yorkregion #startupyork
Blog | The Village Hive: Coworking, Networking, Office Space Markham
Mirlo Liendo is our Guest Blogger for June's "The Buzz" #networking #networkingforbeginners #blog #entrepreneur #startup #coworking #coworkingspace #coolofficespace #smallbusiness #marketing #passion #dreamjob #meeting #lovemyjob #authenticnetworking #markham #yorkregion #GTA #markhamvillage #thriveatthehive
Eliminate Pain without Drugs or Supplements
Samantha King - Accountability Coach
Really looking forward to EIR Markham on Monday!!
Biz 2 Biz Links Inc
Sharing a great reminder posted by Biz 2 Biz Links Inc!
Startup York Region
Hey Hive Members! It is time to let our audience know how YOU and YOUR BUSINESS can help entrepreneurs in their path to success! If you are a Hive Member, please share so people can get in touch with you. #entrepreneur #business #startup #collaboration #networking #connecting #businessservices #yorkregion #markham #stouffville #comethriveatthehive #ourmembersareawesome
Cat Johnson on Twitter
Summer Flex pass at The Village Hive! 12 Day pass over 3 months for $199!! (June - August) cuz you might need to get away from the kids this summer! #coworking #coworkingspace #thriveatthehive
Teacher Gift Pop-Up Shop
Happening on Thursday!
Michelle Butt - Facial Intelligence Expert
Do you have your tickets yet for our Saturday Morning Motivational speaker, Facial Intelligence Speaker - Michelle Butt happening on June 10th at St. Andrew's Church in Markham? Wondering what Facial Intelligence is? Here's an example of what you'll learn!