Taiwanese Credit Union found in 1975, to serve Taiwanese people in Canada. Our History
In the early 1970s, many Taiwanese students stayed in Ontario after completing their studies, finding a job and having a family. Due to economic needs and their strong ties, the new residents began organizing a credit union at a Taiwanese Canadian Association meeting in 1975.
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facebook.comPicnic on Saturday, September 03, 2016 Time: 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Location: Thomson Memorial Park (Area D), Scarborough TCU Current Members: Free TCU Joint Accounts: One member free for each Joint / Association account Relatives of member: $ 8 /each Note: Join our membership on this date, lunch will be free. **** Picnic Time: 12:00 p.m. ~ 1:30 p.m. **** **** Activity Time: 2:00 p.m. ~ 3:00 p.m. ****
Timeline Photos
Do you know you can check your credit at Taiwanese Credit Union for only $25? (Tax included)
Look for ATM machine nearby? There is map! 找不到附近的提款機嗎? 請看地圖!
NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Date: April 2, 2016 (Saturday) Register Time: 11:30 am Meeting Time: 11:45 am Location: Genghis Khan Mongolian Grill 900 Don Mills Road Toronto ON M3C 1V6 NOTICE IS GIVEN that 37th Annual General Meeting of members of TCTCUL will be held at the Genghis Khan Mongolian Grill on Saturday, the 2nd day of April 2016 at the hour of 11:30 am for the following purposes; 1. To receive the financial statement of the Credit Union for the fiscal year ending on the 31st day of January 2016; 2. To appoint auditor; 3. To elect two Directors. Note that members that are entitled to vote or to be nominated must be a member as of February 28th, 2016 and must be 21 years old and over. 4. To transact such further business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment. thereof. 5. A buffet lunch immediately after meeting until 3:30 pm Fee : Conditions for promotion lunch, no substitute for member: • Personal account – per member per account • Business account – only one owner per account • Association account - only one authorized singing officer Member price: $10 Non-member price: $25 親愛的鄉親社員: 2016年3月7日 光陰似箭﹐歲月如梭﹐多倫多台灣信用合作社﹐承蒙各位社員的熱心支持與愛護﹐業務繼續不斷的成長﹐在2016年度﹐社員人數已逾千人﹐ 2016年社員大會將於4月2日(星期六)在Genghis Khan Mongolian Grill ﹐屆時將改選 2席董事﹐凡在2月29日前具有社員資格並滿21歲者﹐皆有選舉與被選舉權。希望各位社員踴躍出席。 *2016社員大會 (AGM) 通知* 日期 (Date): 4月2日 (星期六) ( April 2, Saturday ) 報到時間 (Register): 上午11:30 大會時間 (Time): 上午11:45 地點 (Location): Genghis Khan Mongolian Grill 900 Don Mills Road Toronto, ON M3C 1V6 費用: 優惠價限制條件: • 個人帳號優惠限本人一位 • 商業帳號優惠限商業擁有人一位 • 團體帳號優惠限簽字授權人一位 社員優惠價每一位$10,其餘與會者每一位$25 敬請光臨 並祝身體健康! 萬事如意! 多倫多台灣信用合作社 敬邀 **社員帳號有電子郵件登錄者將寄發通知﹐敬請將此消息傳達給每一位社員** 多倫多台灣信用合作社 董事長林麗娟 暨 全體董事 敬邀
Taiwanese Credit Union
Photos from Taiwanese Credit Union's post
Today, the insurance company have provided us the charts and informed us the great news that our earning is growing and becoming even more efficient than the others. Please come to celebrate with us and join our AGM on Saturday, April 2nd at 11am at 成吉思汗 Genghis Khan Mongolian Grill (900 Don Mills Rd, North York, ON M3C 1V6)
Spring market kicks off early with first shot in mortgage rate wars