Top Local Places

Lumsden Duck Derby

3rd Avenue, Lumsden, Canada
Performance & Event Venue



What is the Lumsden Duck Derby you ask?  Well, it is a fund raiser held each labour day weekend in which 25,000 rubber ducks will race down the Qu'Appelle The Lumsden Duck Derby raises money for Lumsden Sports Association. For example last years duck derby along with a new provincial matching grant program managed to raise over $40,000 to help pay down the mortgage on the new iceplant and ice-resurfacer at Lumsden's community owned and operated ice rink, helping to keep down the cost of hockey and figure skating for local families.

Tickets are available at:
-  various Lumsden & Craven businesses from now until noon on Race Day
- in Lumsden's River Park until 1:00pm on Race Day at the bridge on main street (James St. S.) until 1:00 PM
- In Regina at the Computer Clinic (1800 College Avenue, Regina 9am to 4pm Monday - Friday)
- At the Regina Farmers Market every Wednesday and Saturday during the month of August
- Coming soon to onlineā€¦see our website,
