#Perfectfit4u Online Nutrition Coaching and Training Services works with clients of all capabilities & fitness levels to achieve their personal goals. #Perfectfit4u is an online nutrition and training company, situated in Lethbridge AB, that works independently with a variety of clients WORLDWIDE to achieve their personal health and fitness goals.
#Perfectfit4u promotes health, happiness, and overall life balance through the implementation of proper nutrition habits and custom exercise routines for those of all ages and fitness levels.
#Perfectfit4u offers online coaching, nutrition and training programming, body composition analysis, and 1 on 1 private personal training and assessments.
Please see our website OR email to book a FREE consultation with a member of our team. Consults are offered in office, through phone, FaceTime OR Skype.
Let US help YOU create a lifestyle that is the Perfectfit4u!
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facebook.comAttention all CURRENT #Perfectfit4u CLIENTS!! We have created an official Facebook Group for you to utilize for motivation, tips, updates and to help you meet AND support others that are on similar journeys! You must be a CURRENT client to join this group, and you will have access to it for the entire length of your program. Click the link below to join :)
Happy Motivation Monday fit fam!! Having trouble staying motivated? Here are 10 tips to help you refocus and find that motivation again! 1. Acknowledge the progress you have made so far- Slow progress is better than NO progress! 2. Make sure you have goals that are S.M.A.R.T- Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely! 3. Give yourself credit- You're doing something you've never done before...remember that progress doesn't happen over night. 4. Surround yourself with positivity- quit the negative self talk! Happy mind=happy life. 5. Find your WHY- Remind yourself of all the reasons you started your journey in the first place. WHAT will happen if you DON'T succeed, and what will happen WHEN you succeed!? 6. Seek inspiration, EVERYDAY- Read books and articles, watch videos and do things that reflect who YOU aspire to become. 7. Focus on how you FEEL- STOP listening to the scale and start listening to your BODY! 8. Find someone to hold you accountable- Whether it's a friend, family member, posting on social media, or contacting your coaches at PF4U! 9. LOVE YOURSELF- Do it because you LOVE your body, not because you hate it. 10. NEVER MISS A MONDAY-Start your week off feeling accomplished!!
Happy Friday! Coach Morgan carried a scale around with her for an entire day and wrote about it in her NEWEST blog post! Click the link below for an entire day of meal ideas, an upper body workout and insight on how weight will fluctuate throughout the day!
NO GYM? NO PROBLEM! Grab a deck of cards and check out Coach Ashlyn and Coach Robbie's FULL AT HOME BODYWEIGHT workout- NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED! Click the link below & follow along!
You find your passion not from WHAT you do, but from WHY you do what you do. Your WHY is the thing that MOTIVATES you every single day to work a little harder and get a little better. It's the thing that pushes you when all you want to do is stay in bed and hide from the world- It's the reason you refuse to give up. To find your WHY you need to think about what the consequences are if you don't follow through with your goals?. What will your life look like if you fail? What will your life look like if you DO follow through? What will happen WHEN YOU SUCCEED!? WHY is this goal a MUST? Those who achieve their goals have a powerful reason WHY they achieve their goals. Those that fail, don't. Why must YOU succeed? Why must YOU change? Is It for your health? For your family, or for their future? Is it because you want to inspire others? If your WHY doesn't make you cry, then it's not POWERFUL enough!. We want to know what YOUR why is! What drives YOU to want to better yourself everyday? Comment below 👇or tag us on Instagram @perfectfit4u & #perfectfit4u
NEW Blog post from Coach Morgan ❤️ We want to know what YOU would do if you couldn't do fitness? Click the link below to see what coach Morgan would do...
Repost from our #Perfectfit4 Fit Mom: Julie 💕 Julie is a mother of FIVE who is putting in the work to bring out her BEST SELF for her family! We are SO proud of you, Julie! ・・・ ➖➖➖➖ I hesitate to share something so personal but I believe a shout out is well deserved to @perfectfit4u for making this happen for me. I’ve done the meal planning and exercise program through them. The plan I received is the exactly what I needed, it worked so incredibly well for me. The motivation I felt just by belonging to this program is unbelievable!!! This is just the fresh start I needed. I will only get better from here! I haven’t felt this good in a LONG time!!! I lost almost 7% body fat in 12 weeks as well as gone down at least 2 sizes!!!! Thanks to @ashlyn_merriman @bobbybigggs @justinduursma for making this happen for me and like I said just the beginning. Excited to continue and see what’s next!!! #perfectfit4u
HAPPY MOTIVATION MONDAY! Unfortunately we can't always rely on motivation to help us reach our goals, because its normal for motivation to come and go. For long term success you also need to be DISCIPLED, build HABITS, and let go of EXCUSES. It's time to take responsibility of your LIFE! Before you make your next excuse, we want you to ask yourself this: "What can I do to improve? What actions can I take NOW to ensure that my life will be better in the future?" It is within YOUR power to make big things happen. Let's make this a week of NO EXCUSES!!💪 BE COMMITTED PUT IN THE WORK ACHIEVE. Video below⤵️
Thank you Making Change - One Drop At A Time for the wonderful workshop yesterday! We greatly appreciate you sharing your time and passion with us!
Happy Friday FitFam! Check out Coach Morgan's NEWST blog post for her top supplement suggestions! You can now FOLLOW her blog via email - Head on over to her NEW web domain ( to sign up!
Interested to know what YOUR Nutrition Coach eats in a day? Click the link below to view Coach Ashlyn’s FULL DAY OF EATING (ingredients, macros and calories included!) ... Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to see more!
*BODY COMPOSITION TESTING at #Perfectfit4u * - - - - - The Bod Pod © is a scientifically proven air displacement test that will accurately determine body composition and body fat percentage. A full test only requires 10-15 minutes and provides highly specific and accurate results. In addition to body composition, the Bod Pod © will determine a TON of information specific to each participant as shown in the attached clip. Interested in completing a test? Connect with us to set up your appointment time: Email: Phone: 587-425-3663 Single Exam: $79 3 Bod Pod Pack: $207 5 Bod Pod Pack: $295 *15% discount will be applied to ALL Perfectfit4u clients*