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Beauty by MaryKay with Nadia / Beauté par Marykay avec Nadia

4769 boul cleroux suite 1, Laval, Canada
Spas/beauty/personal care



As a Marykay beauty consultant I am here to help woman take care of their skin and make them feel beautiful inside and out.


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Un look simple mais sexy pour la saint-Valentin! A simple yet sexy look for valentine's day!

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Un look simple mais sexy pour la saint-Valentin! A simple yet sexy for valentine's day!

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Voyez-vous la différence? Le fond de teint en liquide timewise est léger, couvre super bien et dure toute la journée. Voulez-vous l'essayer gratuitement? Contacter moi! Do you see the difference? The Timewise liquid foundation is light, covers incredibly well and last all day. Want to try it for free? Contact me today!

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Wow buy a satin lips and get a lipstick or lip gloss for only 5$ !!!

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Mascaras have to be changed every 3-4 months and it can become costly but with my Mascara Club card you buy 5 get you get the 6th one FREE! Un mascara devrait être changé au 3-4 mois et ca peut devenir dispendieux mais avec ma carte de fidelite Club Mascara vous acheter 5 et votre 6e est gratuit!

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Beauty by MaryKay with Nadia / Beauté par Marykay avec Nadia's cover photo

Beauty by MaryKay with Nadia / Beauté par Marykay avec Nadia's cover photo

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Comment choisir un fond de teint? Mary Kay offre une variété de fond de teint et dependament de votre type de peau je vous suggère: Peau mixte/grasse = Poudre minéral ou le Timewise fond de teint liquide fini mat Pean sèche/normal = CC (crème correctrice), le fond de teint liquide timewise fini lumineux ou la poudre minéral. Si vous voulez couvrir encore plus = Le fond de teint poudre-de-crème Mais toujours commencer avec la base a fond de teint un produit miracle! How to chose a foundation? Mary Kay offers a variety of foundations and depending on your skin type I can suggest: Combination to oily skin = Mineral powder, Timewise liquid foundation matte-finish Normal to dry skin = CC cream, Timewise liquid foundation luminous-wear or the mineral powder as well for a light coverage. For more coverage we have the Cream-to-powder foundation. But ALWAYS start with the Foundation primer it is truly a miraculous product!

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#Beautiful, Day Look

J'adore ce look, naturel mais ca fait ressortir les yeux. Super truc de Luis Casco! I love this look, natural but makes her eyes come out. Amazing tricks from make up artist Luis Casco.

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Yeux, lèvres, mains et pieds. Nous avons ce qui vous faut pendant ces mois d'hiver secs. Eyes, lips, hands and feet. We’ve got your skin covered during these dry winter months!

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Photos from Beauty by MaryKay with Nadia / Beauté par Marykay avec Nadia's post

Come see me at the International Divine bridal show at 777 robert bourassa in montreal until 5pm today or tomorrow from 10am to 4pm.

Photos from Beauty by MaryKay with Nadia / Beauté par Marykay avec Nadia's post

Why Wash Your Face w/Mary Kay

Why you should wash your face with Mary Kay!


NEAR Beauty by MaryKay with Nadia / Beauté par Marykay avec Nadia

Darkzone Laval

Laval, Canada