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facebook.comWinter surfing ... oh yes!!! Our next beginner class is during Nova Scotia March Break on March 12th with East Coast Surf School! While you may not ride ‘exactly’ like these folks out at Western Head as captured by Colin Machaffie ... you will have just as much fun as them! Check out the details: (Note: our March 3rd class has been cancelled due to less than ideal anticipated surf conditions for beginners. ) Nova Scotia's South Shore Outdoor Nova Scotia Canada Keep Exploring Surfing Association of Nova Scotia - SANS Nova Scotia Webcams
As we approach the March 1st 'Sap Moon', and welcome Kinsey and her Dad, to host our Full Moon experience in honour of the legend of maple syrup, we invite you to take a minute and learn about this 'sweet liquid': Sipuke'l Gallery Acadia First Nation Opportunities and Updates Indigenous Tourism Canada Nova Scotia Taste of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Travel Media Nova Scotia's South Shore Region of Queens Municipality Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site UNESCO Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve
Bev Crouse - Quilt and Fabric Artist guess it’s not just our 5th Quilt Atlantic retreaters and intstructors that really enjoy quilting and hooking! Here’s a great piece from Saltscapes Magazine about some pretty talented folks too!
So excited ... look at this, a perfect forecast for our Sap (or Worm) Full Moon Rising Mi’Kmaq event at the bonfire Thursday night ... and a great week all around in fact! Make plans to join us - spend the night, or drop in for dinner and join us as we honour the March 1 full moon with Kinsey from Acadia First Nation - it’ll be very ‘sappy’ and sweet - promise!! We’re honouring every full moon in 2018 with a special event. Here’s our March event: Sipuke'l Gallery Nova Scotia Canada Keep Exploring Indigenous Tourism Canada Johanna Nova'Scotia Williams TIANS Outdoor Nova Scotia
Monday’s are perfect for planning your week ahead for exploring our neighbourhood! Have you discovered Main & Mersey Home Store in Liverpool yet? They are open Wed - Thurs 10am-4pm these days. Shani and Andreas are newcomers who fell in love with our community after visiting and decided to move, set up shop and have become great friends of ours AND they tell us many of you have hopped into their shop too! PS. While you are in town, be sure to pop into Sipuke'l Gallery, the Astor Theatre, ADJA Studio and Gallery, Oscar's Flowers, Gifts, and Such, Paul's German Café, Bistro and Restaurant, Memories Cafe & Eatery, Sole'd in Liverpool, Lane's Privateer Inn, Queens County Museum, Hank Snow Home Town Museum , Liverpool Pizzeria , Pirates Cove Jewels and Treasures , be sure to stroll Concrete Creations and more! You just may need more than an afternoon to take it all in! Plenty to see, savour and explore that’s for sure here in Region of Queens Municipality and South Queens Chamber of Commerce even has their AGM this week too if you are curious about setting up a shop or relocating!
Our international guests - Piping Plovers - have become such an important part of our family here at White Point. Such an honour to be a champion for these endangered species - and thankful for the amazing partners we have the pleasure of working alongside as we learn about them and share their journey. Thank you The Queens County Advance for helping to give Piping Plovers a voice - maybe readers will want to join Bird Studies Canada and become guardians too! Piping Plover Conservation in Nova Scotia Nova Scotia UNESCO Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve Nova Scotia's South Shore Canada Keep Exploring Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ Piping Plover Turks & Caicos Region of Queens Municipality Kejimkujik-Southwest Nova Volunteer Programs Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation Yvonne Colbert
Joined by our guests and sponsors last evening at our 10th Annual On the Rocks, it was a privilege to honour the memory of Roseanne Himmelman and present her Mom, Maxine Himmelman with a $3000.00 donation to The Rose Fund. Learn more about their work to support families faced with cancer and how you can contribute, here on their website: Photo left to right: Katherine Lacey and Maxine Himmelman of The Rose Fund joined by our GM Joanne Veinotte and Food & Beverage Manager Dan Tanner. Cheers!!! More than $35000.00 has been raised and presented at On the Rocks! TIANS Taste of Nova Scotia Region of Queens Municipality Nova Scotia's South Shore Health Services Foundation of the South Shore Wines of Nova Scotia Craft Brewers Association of Nova Scotia
We asked. You told us. We proudly display this White Pointer Wordie! Thank you Suzy for helping us create this custom work of word-art!
Thanks to our guests and our kind suppliers and partners, tonight we’ll host our 10th Annual On The Rocks - with ticket proceeds supporting The Rose Fund. Over the decade more than $30,000 has been gifted to charities here in our community and around Nova Scotia including: • Astor Theatre • S.H.A.I.D. TREE Animal Shelter, • Health Services Foundation of the South Shore, • Heart & Stroke Foundation • Integrity's Haven Equine Rescue Centre Society-IHERC-Non Profit • Liverpool Fire Department And many more! We’ll soon be sipping on products from Wines of Nova Scotia, Craft Brewers Association of Nova Scotia and around ten world - paired with savoury hors d’oeuvres from Chef Alan and his team! Just learning about On the Rocks and want to come? There are still a few tickets left, give us a call at 800-565-5068 ext 1 and plan to join us for 7pm! Taste of Nova Scotia RANS Nova Scotia's South Shore LighthouseNOW The Queens County Advance
2018 is the YEAR of the FULL MOON at White Point! Each Full Moon we will be inviting you to celebrate, experience and explore the moons – how they affect us, what they signify and their meaning across cultures. Being open year-round, we can tell you that winter moons seem to sparkle just a little brighter … maybe it’s the crisp sea salty air, maybe it’s the moon beam reflection on the Atlantic Ocean … come find out, we’ll have the bonfire burning warmly every full moon. Come join us! March 1: Worm Moon OR Sap Moon signals the thawing of the ground and birds begin to feed on worms and it is around this time that the sap starts running in trees – and the annual tapping of maple trees begins for another year. Maybe we’ll try our hand at worm races BUT we do know we’ll honour the use of maple sap by our Mi’Kmaq friends. Join us at the Bonfire as the moon rises and Kinsey shares her Indigenous heritage in song, drumming and we’ll roast traditional bread – luskinikn. Roasting it into cups at the bonfire, we’ll fill them with yummy Acadian Maple Syrup , savouring them as the moon rises over the Atlantic Ocean and we hear Mi’Kmaq legends! Learn more about the history, maybe even discovery of Maple Syrup a sweet gift, now. Moon Folklore as suggested in the Farmer’s Almanac: A bright first Moon promises rain and a bountiful harvest; a red-tinted Moon means a dry year. A glowing Moon and a flowing tide are lucky times to marry. A halo around the Moon predicts wet or stormy weather. We’ll have to put these to the test! Full Moon Calendar for 2018: January 1: Supermoon, Wolf Moon January 31: Super ‘Blue’ Full Moon – it does not have a unique name, like the others as it is an ‘extra’ moon in a cycle! February: Interestingly, there is no full moon in February due to the 2 full moons in January! March 1: Worm Moon OR Sap Moon signals the thawing of the ground and birds begin to feed on worms and it is around this time that the sap starts running in trees – and the annual tapping of maple trees begins for another year. March 20: Spring Equinox March 31: March Blue Moon – indeed it happens again, just like January, there is a second Full Moon in March, making this the Blue Moon! April 29: Full Pink Moon named after the ground phlox that comes into blossom this month. It has also been referred to as the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon and Fish Moon. May 29: Full Flower Moon, as the flowers begin springing from the ground. This moon is also known in some circles as the Corn Planting Moon or the Milk Moon. (May 31: Last Day of Lobster Season!) June 21: Summer Solstice June 28: Full Strawberry Moon, and the reason is obvious – it signifies it must be strawberry picking season! It’s also known as the Rose Moon and the Hot Moon …. marking the warming of the seasons. July 27: The Full Buck Moon OR Thunder Moon named after the many thunderstorms that occur in July, but also it is when bucks’ antlers are in full growth mode, and their banging and clanging certainly sound like thunder! August 26: Full Sturgeon Moon signifies the month in which the sturgeon are most plentiful. This August Full Moon is also known as the Green Corn Moon. September 24: The Full Corn Moon signifies that the corn crops are ready to be harvested which is also the case with barley, resulting in it also being called the Barley Moon. This moon is the closest full moon to the Fall Equinox. September 23: Fall Equinox October 24: The Full Hunter’s Moon signals hunting season in many communities. It’s time to secure provisions from the earth to carry you through the winter months ahead. It’s also known as the Travel Moon or Dying Moon. November 23: Full Beaver Moon, also known as the Frost Moon, marks the best time to set traps and we just may see our first frost! In 2017, we partnered with Parks Canada and hosted a hike into Kejimkujik National Park SEASIDE to welcome the Beaver Moon, appropriate as the logo for Parks is the Beaver after all! It’s Keji Seaside’s 30th Anniversary in 2018 – maybe we’ll have to do this hike again! (November 26: 1st Day of Lobster Season, also known as Dumping Day!) December 21: Winter Solstice December 22: Full Cold Moon signals the arrival of winter … our favourite season of all!
So, it’s 2018 - are you planning to do anything for the 1st time ever?!? Tune in, better yet Call in to CBC Maritime Noon TODAY to chat with CBC Host Preston Mulligan and our colleague Donna Hatt ! Heading to a Park, Trail or Lighthouse you’ve never visited before? Maybe you’re planning to visit one gallery/Artists studio a month to explore and appreciate locally inspired art? Maybe there’s that festival you’ve wanted to take in, or maybe this is the year you’ll watch the sunrise from the tip of Cape Breton Island or watch the moon rise here at White Point? Or maybe you’ll reconnect with old colleague/mentor that you haven’t seen in years... Cheers to doing something NEW in 2018! Maritime Noon Here's how to reach us: Live Phone In: 1-800-565-1940 Answering Machine: 1-800-565-5463 Twitter: @cbcmaritimenoon Facebook: Email: