From the last Thursday in November until the first Sunday in January, Ladysmith BC, is lit up like a Christmas tree! From the last Thursday in November – when there is an amazing Light Up parade and fireworks display – until the first Sunday in January, Ladysmith BC, comes alive with shimmering lights. The early focus was to decorate just the downtown core but this was soon changed to include Coronation Mall and then to expand to the blocks surrounding the downtown area. The past couple of years has seen a great physical change to Ladysmith’s downtown, which has created many new opportunities for the Festival of Lights volunteers to create and add new lights and decorations.
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facebook.comHey, over 2,000 likes is pretty cool. Wonder if we'll hit 3,000 by our 30th annual event on November 30th...
11th Annual Christmas Craft Fair – Nov 30 | Festival of Lights
Might as well start planning now, folks. Enjoy your spring...
Ladysmith Festival of Lights's cover photo
Ladysmith home to huge surge in volunteers | CHEK
Thank you to our army of volunteers.
Take Down – Jan 22 | Festival of Lights
Lights out at midnight on January 15th. Take Down is Sunday, January 22nd, 2017. All help appreciated and... happy new year!
Timeline Photos
Magic with Twiggly Wiggly the clown.
Old Time Christmas - December 8, 2017
Here it is! Ladysmith's 5th annual Old Time Christmas. December 2, come downtown First Avenue to check it out!
Old Time Christmas - December 8, 2017
Now that the big night has come we now draw your attention to the Old Time Christmas event held by the Ladysmith Downtown Business Association. Come participate in traditional festivities and events on First Avenue and check out the businesses open for late-night shopping (for the following 3 Fridays)!! #supportlocalbusiness #tryLadysmithfirst #shoplocal #OldTimeChristmas #LDBA #FirstAvenue #Ladysmith
With another successful Light Up night under our belts (29 to be exact!) we thank all the volunteers for putting in 100s of hours of effort, and the thousands of people that came to support this amazing event. Festival of Lights draws local crowds and tourists to participate in this spectacular annual event. Please enjoy every aspect the 29th annual event has to offer this year and remember the big 3-0 comes next year!!!
The sun just came out! Forecast is clear for Santa, the parade and fireworks!
Timeline Photos
Shuttle Service for Light Up | Festival of Lights
Shuttle service info for tomorrow.