Abundant Life Church
We exist to express God's love, to equip God's people, and to engage in God's work!
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facebook.comDon't forget to turn your clocks back tomorrow night. Enjoy the extra hour of sleep!
We know THAT we have spiritual gifts, and have started to explore what they are. This week, we talk about WHY. Why do we have these gifts, and to what end must they be used?
Our new (short) series starts this Sunday! Come and explore the special way God created you, and how to live it!
WE'RE DONE! This week marks our final sermon in Matthew: The Jesus Way. It's been over three years and nearly 130 sermons, but it's ending this Sunday. Join us!!! (and find out what comes next...)
ALC - The Jesus Way: Lesson 128 - Our Calling: The Jesus Way 2017-10-15 - Matthew 28:16-20: Jesus called his disciples, and us, to make disciples, to teach others to obe . . . http://www.alc-calgary.ca/downloads.shtml#367
ALC - The Jesus Way: Lesson 125 - The Power of God 2017-09-24 - Matthew 27:51-56: When we think of the crucifixion, we usually think of the spiritual implicati . . . http://www.alc-calgary.ca/downloads.shtml#364
Free this morning? Pastor Mike has a coffee with your name on it waiting at second cup in Westhills!!! Give him a shout and drop on by! 403-246-1804
Tomorrow in the Jesus Way: The Silence of God
Today we celebrated eucharist and made space for God to speak. Then...We ate!
Our Sunday School will begin September 17th. All Kids are more than welcome!!!
https://shar.es/1S92cq 2017-09-03 - Matthew 27:27-44: We live relatively comfortable lives and seek relatively comfortable deaths. It’s strange behaviour for people who follow the crucified king. How should the manner of Jesus’ death inform our understanding of life, and the life and death we’re called to in Christ? -- Pastor Mike Swalm