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FunnelCake helps B2B marketing teams understand where they have the most impact on their buyer journey.


Kathy English on the Marketing Career Path

Kathy English, the Vice President of Enterprise Marketing at Vocera, joined us to talk about the Marketing career path (she's got an interesting one!) We discuss what makes her career path unique compared to most other Marketing VP's, how first-hand industry experience gives product marketers a distinct advantage over others, and just how important listening can be. Enjoy!

Kelly Winter on Sales and Marketing's (Dysfunctional) Relationship

We've got a new blog with Kelly Winter, digital marketer at Sortable, discussing the dysfunctional relationship between sales and marketing. We also discuss what senior management can do to help, how team structure can help bring the two teams together, and some activities marketers can do to get in a salesperson's shoes to better understand their pain-points. Enjoy!

Andy Crestodina on (Effective) Content Creation

In our new blog we speak with Andy Crestodina, co-founder of Orbit Media, about creating effective content. We talk about the types of content that get results (as well as the ones that do not), how often to post, and the missing piece in a lot of people's content strategy. Enjoy!

Pete Caputa on the Sales Process

In our new blog we talk with Pete Caputa, the VP of Sales at Hubspot, about the sales process. We also discuss sales training, team structure, and the frustration with lazy prospecting. Enjoy!

Jon Miller on Account Based Marketing

This week we interviewed Jon Miller, the co-founder and CEO of Engagio, about account based marketing. We chat about how he's transitioned from martech powerhouse Marketo, to his current start-up, Engagio. We go on to talk about the recent popularity of account based marketing, the importance of having more than just marketing onboard with your strategy, and common mistakes companies make. Check it out:

Rand Fishkin’s Lessons Learned Building a SaaS Business

We interview Rand Fishkin from Moz on his lessons learned building and growing a SaaS business. In our chat, we talk about some things that he would change if he were to do it all over again. Things like his onboarding process, product launches, and the amount of features to focus on. He also talked about some things that he would repeat like the TAGFEE code and his early content marketing strategy. Check it out:

27: Steve Krysak on Focusing on the Buyer

We've got a new podcast out with Steve Krysak, Client Lead at 5Crowd, about focusing on your buyer. Steve previously worked in higher education marketing for an Ontario University and did a tremendous job at deviating from that large brand in order to fit the buyer. He explains some obstacles that he overcame in that process, how building trust with colleagues and execs was key, and the importance of thinking like your buyer when it comes to brand messaging. Listen here:

Abheek Dhawan on Data

We had the chance to sit down with Abheek Dhawan, the Business Operations Lead at Shopify Plus, to talk data. We chat about what sales and marketing metrics he finds most valuable, how that gets used in day-to-day activities, and the importance of having communication between all your teams. He also shares what it's been like to work for a company in hyper growth showing no signs of slowing down. Check it out:

24: Hana Abaza on Tactical Marketing

Hana Abaza, the VP of Marketing at Uberflip, joined us to talk about tactical marketing in out latest podcast 🎙 She speaks about the strategy she uses at Uberflip, marketing tactics, and how the role of CMO has changed. Listen here (you won't regret it!):

Matt Alexander on Brilliant Copy Writing

New blog 🎉 In this post, we interview Matt Alexander, the founder of Edition Collective, about his copy writing. We discuss his process (or lack thereof), clickbait headlines, and how he's been able to successfully scale the Edition Collective tone-of-voice across their growing team.

23: Dan Shaw on the Buyer's Journey

Check out our new podcast with Dan Shaw from Maintenance Assistant! Dan is the VP of Sales at Maintenance Assistant based in Toronto. In this episode, we talk about steps involved in the buyer's journey, problems that can stem from misalignment between sales and marketing, and advice to get your teams better aligned.

Mark Evans on Customer Centric Marketing

We were joined by Mark Evans to talk about customer centric marketing in our latest blog. We cover some basics like messaging to your different audiences, the right way to talk about yourself, and what message to deliver at what stage. Mark then gives some incredible examples of customer centric companies today and what we can learn from them.


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