Griff On! WE HUNT with our Canine Versatile Hunting VIPHuntInn Wirehaired Pointing Griffons. Feather and fur = Versatile Hunting Dog!!
The WPG is a HUNTING COMPANION dog and as such is reserved for placement in to HUNTING homes for THE DOG's health and wellbeing, enrichment of life, and fulfilment of that which is driven by its DNA/Genetic profile; a hunting sporting dog.
Our family has enjoyed NAVHDA and CKC for decades.
Ownership to purchaser with registration; breeding rights NOT transferred to new owner yet CAN be lifted with fulfilment of hunt titles, health clearances (CERT, K-Locus, PennHip, Canine-Herpes), Conformation and Temperament. We want the top-dogs of the breed to thrive after all. Financial prizing to titled progeny.
NO castration of your dog required per contract.
Full binding legal contract at financial obligation, replete with health of pup to adult pup guarantee.
WILL ship International (at buyers cost).
YOU own YOUR dog (NO "Co-ownership").
Stunning ultimate HUNTING Wirehaired Pointing Griffons. Our dogs hunt a good portion of the year, are incredibly social, silly fun loving creatures. Our males are TREMENDOUSLY handsome boys, and the females are ELEGANT gorgeous lookers!!!
All our dogs are NAVHDA (in BOTH Canada and the United States, as well as CKC tested (VIPHUNTINN MAVERICK: NAVHDA NA 1 and 2 prize 105 @ 5 months and CKC JHD finished at 7 months ++++ VIPHUNTINN FRED GRRLL NAVHDA NA 2 107 pts @ age 7 months, and NA pz 3 @ age 5 months on first outing :).
Also CERF, K-Locus et al, tested and certified. DNA Certification and registration through NAVHDA/AKC panel. "VIPHUNTINN KENNEL" is a REGISTERED KENNEL at NAVHDA and CKC. ALL dogs tested for KBKB / K Locus (cleared).
Our family has been hunting, outdoorsmanship, and loving the Earth for generations, and all with a great hunting companion or three along for the journey. Primarily involved with hunt hounds, thirty plus years ago an introduction to Wirehaired Pointing Griffons was made whilst exploring the North Carolina Mountains, and the rest is now our history. Four Griffons later, many hunts, great friendships and explorations of the field, valleys, mountains and streams we can safely say "GRIFFONS ARE GREAT!"
We also enjoy new experience exposures of/for our Griffs in as many parts of North America; from golf courses, resorts, lakes, beaches, shopping at Cabelas or BPS (and the local General store), as well as family and social gatherings.
Feel blessed to have these stellar hunters with us and look forward to raising top Versatile Gun Dogs for those whom enjoy.
Contact any time through or 1.800.572.8179
Great Hunts are just a Griff Away!
Griff On!!
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** Please NOTE this KEY Paragraph ---> "This final rule applies to dogs intended for resale. It does not apply to dogs that are imported for research purposes, veterinary medical treatment, or for personal companions." ** USDA Establishes New Health Requirements for Dogs Imported to the U.S. for Resale Last Modified: Aug 5, 2015 Print Printable Version Contact: Tanya Espinosa (301) 851-4092 Lyndsay Cole (970) 494-7410 WASHINGTON, Aug. 15, 2014—The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has amended Animal Welfare Act (AWA) regulations to require that dogs imported to the U.S. meet stronger health and safety standards to protect Americans and Americans’ pets. The new rule ensures that dogs imported for resale are vaccinated and in good health, and required to be over six months of age. The new regulations are authorized under section 18 of the AWA, which Congress added in the 2008 Farm Bill. In September 2011, APHIS published and took comments on a proposed rule in the Federal Register addressing the requirements of the new section of the AWA. “This rule implements new requirements in the Animal Welfare Act to ensure dogs imported for resale are healthy and vaccinated,” said Kevin Shea, Administrator for APHIS. “This will help safeguard the imported dogs, the public, and our pets and other animals.” The final rule applies to dogs imported into the continental U.S., (including Alaska) and Hawaii, from other countries and from U.S. territories to the continental U.S. This final rule applies to dogs intended for resale. It does not apply to dogs that are imported for research purposes, veterinary medical treatment, or for personal companions. With Agriculture Secretary Vilsack’s leadership, APHIS works tirelessly to create and sustain opportunities for America’s farmers, ranchers and producers. Each day, APHIS promotes U.S. agricultural health, regulates genetically engineered organisms, administers the Animal Welfare Act, and carries out wildlife damage management activities, all to help safeguard the nation’s agriculture, fishing and forestry industries. In the event that a pest or disease of concern is detected, APHIS implements emergency protocols and partners with affected states and other countries to quickly manage or eradicate the outbreak. To promote the health of U.S. agriculture in the international trade arena, APHIS develops and advances science-based standards with trading partners to ensure America’s agricultural exports, valued at more than $137 billion annually, are protected from unjustified restrictions. This rule does not apply when there is no transfer of ownership or control of a dog to another person for more than de minimis consideration after the dog's importation into the United States. Therefore, dogs imported by a person who will use the dog as a personal pet, for sport, for shows or competitions, or for breeding or semen collection are not subject to the 6-month age restriction or any other requirements of this rule. Additionally, we do not consider dogs imported for training as working dogs to be imported for purposes of resale. Thus, the rule will not apply to puppies imported by legitimate training organizations for the purpose of training the dog to be a working dog.
VIPHuntInn Griffons's cover photo