Irricana is well known for its quiet small town atmosphere, strong family values, and its safe and friendly community spirit.
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facebook.comNotice of Public Hearing Pursuant to the provisions of Section 692 of the Municipal Government Act, Chapter M-26 of the Revised Statutes of Alberta, 2000, and amendments thereto, the Council of the Town of Irricana is considering: Bylaw 07:2018 being a Bylaw to adopt a new Land Use Bylaw for the Town of Irricana. The Land Use Bylaw governs the use and development of land within the Town of Irricana, and the update introduces new uses, districts, and procedures. Pursuant to Section 606 of the Municipal Government Act, being Chapter M-26 of the Statutes of Alberta, notice is hereby given that the Council of the Town of Irricana will hold a Public Hearing before the second reading of Bylaw 07:2018 to rescind the Town of Irricana Land Use Bylaw 11:2010 and adopt a new Land Use Bylaw in its place. A Public Hearing will be held in the Irricana Centennial Centre (222 -2nd Street) on Monday, March 5th at 7:00pm for the purpose of considering verbal and/or written representations from interested individuals or groups affected by the proposed amendment. Written submissions should be received at the Town of Irricana Municipal Office at least five (5) working days prior to the Public Hearing. Note: Any submissions received after this time will be considered oral submissions and may be read into the record at the Public Hearing by the writer or, read on his or her behalf. Oral submissions will be limited to five minutes. Copies of the proposed bylaw may be reviewed at the Municipal Office, 222 – 2nd Street during regular office hours or be viewed online at Further information regarding the above may be obtained by contacting the Chief Administrative Officer at 403-935-4672. You can view the proposed bylaw by following the link below:
FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT Hosted by: Irricana Community Services Board Saturday February 24th 2017 @ Irricana Library - 226 2 St, Irricana AB T0M 1B0 6:30pm –9:00pm Come see the original: WILLY WONKA & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY Tickets are mandatory as space is limited—1 ticket per person and can be obtained by following the link below: Enjoy some complimentary snacks and refreshments while we start the night off with a brief chat about bullying awareness followed by a classic family favourite movie! Bring your sleeping bags and pillow and get comfy! See you there and don’t forget to wear PINK in support of Bully Awareness Month!
FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT Hosted by: Irricana Community Services Board Saturday February 24th 2017 @ Irricana Library - 226 2 St, Irricana AB T0M 1B0 6:30pm –9:00pm Come see the original: WILLY WONKA & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY Tickets are mandatory as space is limited—1 ticket per person and can be obtained by following the link below: Enjoy some complimentary snacks and refreshments while we start the night off with a brief chat about bullying awareness followed by a classic family favourite movie! Bring your sleeping bags and pillow and get comfy! See you there and don’t forget to wear PINK in support of Bully Awareness Month!
Please see posting below for changes to come
Due to recent vandalism at our new skating rink we have unfortunately pulled the nets out for repairs. We ask that moving forward if you witness any illegal or improper use of this amenity to please report it to the RCMP 403-947-3496. We are now in the process of researching surveillance equipment to hopefully deter any further issues. Please share the importance of small town amenities with your friends and families so that we can continue to bring more recreation opportunities to Town.
Get ready to splash around this summer! Council and staff have finalized plans and secured funding for the new and improved Lions Splash Park. We really appreciate everyone who came out to the open house, to council meetings or sent in opinions regarding location and design options. Construction is scheduled to begin once the ground thaws in spring 2018. It has been decided that the location will remain the same to ensure adequate and safe parking as well as fully utilizing the recreation area along Henricks drive. This design concept allows us to add/remove features as we see growth or need down the road. Can't wait to see you all out there this summer!
The hockey rink is officially open!! Perogy boyz are here at the rink offering Half price today! Such a perfect day for a skate while visiting with neighbours!
See you on Saturday for the Official Grand Opening of the Outdoor Rink!! You don't want to miss out on Perogy Boyz, music and complimentary coffee and hot chocolate!
SKATING RINK GRAND OPENING Sat. January 6th @ 1pm Join us in celebrating the new and improved Irricana Outdoor Rink. Mayor Friesen and Council will kick start the day with a ribbon cutting ceremony at 1pm followed by a ceremonial puck drop to invite everyone on the ice! Free hot chocolate, music and lunch with The Perogy Boyz food truck! We look forward to seeing you there!
We have just been notified that the recycling company is no longer able to pickup on New Years day, instead they will be picking up all recycling on Tuesday January 2nd, 2018. Please pass this along to neighbours, family and friends. Thank you and have a safe and Happy New Years!
We're Hiring! Please follow the link below for a full description about the Public Works - Maintenance 3 position. For further inquiries or to submit a resume please send the information to
Ice flooding weather has finally arrived! We've been waiting for this moment for so long, I'm sure you are as excited as we are! Our team is working hard to make the best ice for your skating needs and we hope to have it up and running by early January. The new rink also includes a line kit for those small town hockey tournaments we are sure to see! We will update you once it is officially ready to go:)