Inspire Chiropractic Rehabilitation & Sport Performance Thanks for your interest in Inspire Chiropractic. We have two locations: 238 Thames St South in Ingersoll ON in the Ingersoll Foot and Ankle Clinic as well as Suite 102A 219 Oxford Street West in the Forest City Naturopathic Clinic in London.
Often people assume that pain they are experiencing is the result of some sort of tissue or structural damage or misalignment. However we are discovering that muscle weakness, tightness or imbalances cause the body to move differently, or compensate. These compensatory movement patterns load stress into other areas of the body,causing dysfunction, excessive wear, tissue break-down, and pain.
At Inspire Chiropractic we utilize spinal and extremity manipulation, soft tissue therapy, and place a strong emphasis on corrective rehabilitation exercises to help restore normal movement patterns, alleviate the stress on the tissues and reduce pain. If you don't retrain the body how to move properly, eventually the same tissues will be again put under stress and break down, repeating the cycle of dysfunction and pain. This is why rehabilitative exercise is so important. Stress management, life style, and nutritional issues which are significant factors in your overall health are also addressed.
If you're looking for a partner in your quest to improve your health and function, Inspire Chiropractic Rehabilitation & Sport Performance is the place for you. Call 519-425-0202 to book your appointment.
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facebook.comJust wanted to let you all know that my dad passed away today. He was an incredible human being and I will miss him terribly. More than anyone else, his influence on my life has made me into the person I am today. I am forever grateful to have had so many years with him in my life. I will be away now until Monday June 18. Christopher will be in touch with those of you with appointments this week to reschedule. Massage and Acupuncture treatments will still be available. . I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks. Jonathan
Interesting development.
I can't recommend this book enough. I received it yesterday and am already a third of the way through it. I will admit that I feel I am totally unprepared to be the dad of a teenage girl. At times it has been a mystifying frustrating and chaotic experience. I have felt some grief and despair that not only had I lost my sweet little girl, but I also was struggling with how to connect with and understand the amazing young woman she has become. Lisa Damour has laid out in a very simple and readable way the social and emotional path that teens take, and it has provided me with an immense sense of relief by being able to understand this stage in her life that is just as confusing to her as it is for me. Although it specifically addresses girls, I can see it being helpful with understanding the social structure of teens in general and the impact it has on their behaviour. Highly recommended.
If Lou ever writes a book, I'm going to have to read it. I love the way he thinks..... Favourite Lou Lamoriello story from Toronto: One employee told me he went into a meeting where a co-worker was bothered by an email sent to her. She was distracted, and Lamoriello asked what was up. Hearing the issue, he said, “Can I see your phone?” Then he deleted the email and said, “That won’t bother you anymore.”-Elliotte Friedman
Just a great quote that I'm sure many of us can learn from as we deal with the constant ups and downs of life. Spending time worrying or being upset over things we can't control wastes time and energy, and distracts our focus from what's important. "Was Lamoriello disappointed by the Maple Leafs’ decision not to retain him as GM in Toronto? “I don’t get disappointed,” he said. “I allow things to happen as they happen. Things that I don’t have control of, I don’t get upset, I don’t get disappointed, I don’t think left or right. I just go forward. Because what I ask our players and our staff and our coaches to do and my family to do is not get distracted by things you can’t control. So in saying that, that’s exactly what I did. I accepted whatever decision was made, didn’t think left or right, and was ready to go forward.” - Lou Lamoriello
Multisport in high school is linked with more games played, less severity of injury during career & increased longevity in NBA players. Less repetition & more variable games to avoid monotony & raise motivation. @francgarcia89
Happy Mother's Day! My mom. As a kid I spent hours with her in the kitchen watching her bake and cook. Measurements were suggestions, not rules. Her hands effortlessly commanded the ingredients, willing them to form. When she died 13 years ago, the only things of hers I wanted were the tools you see here; her Joy of Cooking book, well-worn and taped together, pages barely visible from vanilla, molasses, lard, and flour that still now falls from its pages; her pans, stained patina from countless cookies, loaves, and gingerbread that was rolled out each Christmas for the traditional Gingerbread house day; and that rolling pin, handed down from her mother, lathe marks imprinted on the handle ends, that over years rolled miles of dough. I'll never wield them like the master she was, but every time I touch them she is near; I see her hands, I hear her voice, and miss her. God I miss her.
Happy Birth Mother’s Day
I see this often. And while I appreciate patients having more information so that the conversations they have with their healthcare providers are more informed, there definitely is the risk of reading information that doesn't actually pertain to your situation and being stressed out because of it which makes you feel worse. With so much information available at our fingertips it's often hard enough for those of us in the healthcare field to be able to separate out what is reliable information and what is not. So much harder for the layperson trying to get to the bottom of their own health situation. "A recent study suggests internet health searching could make you feel worse. It could leave you even less informed. And you're also potentially revealing private health information. It's part of a growing body of research into the potential side-effects of consulting the internet about health issues — something that creates a risk of "cyberchondria.""
50 years ago today Dr Martin Luther King was murdered. More often now, as I watch the news, I feel less hopeful about our world's ability to cast aside the cloak of ignorance and prejudice. It pains me. I recall the more subtle insidious racism I experienced as a child, the outright threat of physical violence I endured as a teenager, and the hateful vitriolic words shouted at me behind my back from a darkened window right here in Ingersoll not 4 years ago. Those experiences shook me to the core. They're confusing and disorienting. But each one strengthened my resolve to not bend under their tremendous weight. If we stop the fight against discrimination and racism of all types, if we give up, if we allow the hateful message that has been more recently given voice to be broadcast without opposition, then Dr King's life will have been meaningless. The deaths of so many people of colour, of women, of LGBTQ who have died as a direct result of racism and discrimination will mean less. So I look at my kids. I look into their eyes and think about the world I want them to grow up in. And I promise them that I won't give up. None of us can. We speak up. We fight. We endure. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.....If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." - MLK
"Take the stairs when there's the opportunity. Walk to the coffee shop instead of taking the drive-thru. Because that will all help you prevent bad health outcomes," he said. "Everything counts so take every opportunity."
The office will be closed Friday and Monday for the Easter holiday. Trust you have a relaxing weekend. Happy Easter!