Town of High River
This is the official page for the municipal office of the Town of High River. High River, a town of over 12,000 people, is located 30 minutes south of Calgary on Highway 2.
The Town of High River uses social networking sites to engage residents in conversation about needs and concerns, contribute to relevant conversations, and promote Town programs and services.
The Town of High River reserves the right to edit and/or modify comments and posts that contain content threats, off topic remarks and comments, violations against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, discriminatory language, expletive language, campaigning, partisan messaging or commercial advertisements or other material deemed inappropriate.
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Check out what's happening in High River this weekend - view our online event calendar at the link below!
The Town of High River will be hosting a public open house on Saturday, May 27 from 12 – 3 p.m. at the Town Farm site located in McLaughlin Meadows west of the outdoor rink and soccer field at 820 Highwood Trail S.W. “The Town’s Heritage Advisory Board has created a public survey to start a community conversation about adaptive re-use of the Town Farm,” says Don Barr, vice-chair of the High River Heritage Advisory Board. “We’d like to hear ideas from the public on how we can respect and preserve the building’s historic integrity while breathing new life into the facility.” Read more at the link below or take the survey here
The High River Spray Park will be open for the 2017 season starting on Friday, May 19 for the long weekend. For complete details click here:
Timeline Photos
On Saturday, May 13 volunteers will be cleaning up green spaces around High River in the 13th annual Community Green Sweep hosted by the Town of High River. Volunteers are needed to help with raking leaves, collecting branches, picking up garbage and more. Volunteers are asked to meet at the Fire Hall (1010 5 Street S.E.) at 9 a.m. for a free light breakfast and safety orientation before heading out into the community. The Community Green Sweep will also include: Electronics round up Drop off your unwanted electronics to be recycled Includes televisions, computers (CPU, keyboard, mouse, cables, and speakers), monitors, printers, laptops, mobile phones and tablets. Landfill tipping fees From May 11-13 the Town will pay the tipping fees of High River residents taking non-commercial, residential waste, to the Foothills Regional Landfill. Must be a current resident of High River. At 12 p.m. all volunteers are invited back to the Fire Hall for a free barbecue lunch. If possible, please email or call 403-652-4042 to let the Town know you are coming.
High River Times
A broadband engagement session for businesses will be held on Tuesday, May 16 from 7-9 p.m. at the Highwood Memorial Centre. The High River business community is also encouraged to provide their feedback about their internet needs by taking the survey here:
Alberta escapes for May long weekend | Watch News Videos Online
Check out our 'Fantastic small town' and Little Britches Weekend in High River this May long weekend!
Mayor's Update: April 24, 2017
There is currently a road closure on Macleod Trail S.W. between 3 and 4 Avenues S.W. as part of ongoing downtown finishing work. The closure will be in effect for approximately two weeks, weather dependant. Vehicles can continue to access George Lane Park by taking 1 Street S.W. to 4 Avenue S.W. and heading south along Macleod Trail S.W. to the park entrance. Please note that construction on 5 Avenue S.W. between Macleod Trail and 1 Street S.W. will continue until the end of next week.
Check out the events in High River this weekend!
Town Crier - May 5, 2017
The latest edition of the High River Town Crier is now available!
Town prepares for high hazard season | High River Emergency Management
The Town of High River has begun its annual preparations for the approaching hazard season. This includes: - Assessments on all interim diking systems throughout town. All sandbags are being inspected, repaired and replaced as required to ensure that they can function as temporary flood mitigation measures if needed. - Temporary pumps have been staged along 12 Avenue S.W. The storm outfalls along 12 Avenue S.W. have also been plugged to keep water from passing through. The pumps are needed to pump out any standing water that may accumulate throughout the spring. - All emergency notification systems will be tested including the outdoor sirens and High River Alert system on Wednesday, May 3. - Staff training has been conducted throughout the year. Live Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) exercises will be held with Town staff throughout May. - The Town is in regular contact with Alberta Environment and Parks and receives updates from river forecasters on snow pack and river levels. Conditions are slightly above normal ranges for this time of year, however, it is important to note that snow pack level is not a reliable predictor of flooding. Residents can also view this information on the Government of Alberta’s website at including recent comments from river forecasters. High River residents are also encouraged to ensure they are prepared on a personal level, to learn more, visit the link below:
Test of emergency notification systems on May 3 | High River Emergency Management
REMINDER: the Town will be performing a test of its emergency notification systems at 12 p.m. on Wednesday, May 3. This test is part of the Town’s ongoing emergency preparedness plan and will include a test of the regional alert system and the outdoor sirens. Read more: