We offer reliable and safe accompaniment/companion services to improve quality of life and independence to seniors and those with disabilities of any age. Providing "through the door" services for seniors and special needs people, to assist in maintaining independence. Includes accompaniment to appointments, medical, shopping, social events. Check-in calls, falls assessments and prevention programs. In-home art, music poetry programs for Dementia/Alzheimer clients provides social and activity engagement using Montessori methods and gentle persuasive approach techniques. Providing ease of mind to families of seniors through caring and friendly companionship. Aging is not a disease-it is a triumph! Service in Hamilton/Stoney Creek
Insured, criminal check, clean drivers abstract, accessibility vehicle permit, First Aid and CPR.
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LOVE YOURSELF FIRST February is the month of love and hearts, and this February I am suggesting that we ‘ love ourselves first’! A woman’s heart is different than a man’s and new research continues to prove that cardiovascular disease for women is not the same as for a man. Barbra Streisand is Co-Founder of The Women’s Heart Alliance and the “Fight the Ladykiller” campaign and became interested in advocating for research and change in the way we approach women’s heart disease after she lost her own Mother to heart disease. Here in Canada we have had the ‘Red dress Campaign’ as a part of the Heart Truth awareness movement on women’s heart disease. The Canadian stats: -one in four women have heart disease -one in 8 women between 45-64 have heart disease -Heart disease kills more women over age 65 than all cancers combined -more women than men die from heart disease -symptoms of heart disease and attacks in women are different than a man-and women often put off taking care of themselves and ignoring symptoms The Canadian and US leaders in research and physician-training advocate for the preventive approach and awareness for us all about this silent killer. This February-month of love and hearts-love yourself first by becoming familiar with the risks and symptoms of heart disease in women. #getHeartChecked Happy Valentine’s Day!
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Enjoy snowy day at home -cosy up and have soup!
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JANUARY 2016 BLOG Happy New Year to all and best wishes for a happy, healthy 2016! January is a great month to get your hearing checked and be sure that you are not missing out on anything in life due to hearing loss. Recently I had clients at the “Connect Hearing” clinic and was very impressed with the range of products and how wonderfully they treated the clients. There are many benefits to excellent hearing, and I think the most important is increased self-esteem and confidence…it’s devastating when you don’t hear what is being said or are embarrassed by poor hearing quality. The ease of correcting this situation includes: >multiple options in hearing devices >easy hearing evaluations are simple and pain free >help in adjusting and using hearing devices >on-going professional assistance and support >no charge hearing device cleaning >other listening products with enhanced features for clarity, including several phone models, alarm clocks and TV amplifiers > interest free payment plans available >multiple clinics across Canada Don’t miss out-give yourself the gift of excellent hearing for the New Year. Contact Connect Hearing at: 1.800.563.4327 or on-line:
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Older people ARE the originals...individuality is awesome!
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Happy New Yaer to my special "over-90" clients-you are my inspiration every day! Happy 2016!(: