Find millions of dollars worth of auto parts inventory located conveniently in our Hamilton and Stoney Creek warehouses. Can't find it, we can help, A&A Discount Auto Parts is the best solution for anyone looking to find discounted OEM and aftermarket parts, accessories, tires, rims and more. Now that we have your attention, you're here because you're interested in exploring the variety of inventory we have in our 30,000 foot warehouse stuffed with over 4 million dollars of stock on hand. Our parts experts will find what you're looking for and offer you a variety of options to suit your budget. Our advice and solutions are extremely simple to understand.
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Our Stoney Creek Store now has Quick-Latch products. Quick-Latch Distribution offers mini latches, mini pins, air cleaner minis, anodized minis, hood pins, twist and lock pins, and mounting brackets. Quik latch hood fasteners solve these problems with a stylish snap shut and quick release action. Quik-Latch hood fasteners mount to the hood and line up with studs placed on the core support, or another bracket. Quik-Latch fasteners automatically latch to the studs mounted on the core support. Come by and check it out. Ask for Jesse. #Minilatches #minipins #aircleanerminis #anodizedminis #hoodpins #twist #lockpins #mountingbrackets #accessories #stoneycreekperformance
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Happy Family Day! To celebrate this occasion we want to give our customers $10 off when you spend $100* or more on anything in-store. Valid: February 15, 2016 - February 21, 2016 Download the coupon here. Terms and conditions: Minimum $100 purchase required before taxes, after discounts. No cash value. Can not be combined with any other coupon. Employees are not eligible for discount. One coupon per customer per transaction per day. Not valid on past purchases. Coupon valid at 765 Woodward Ave, Hamilton, ON. L8H 6P5 only. Coupon must be presented at checkout. #deal #10off #familyday #familydaysale #aadiscountauto #hamilton #hamiltonpartsstore #dealoftheweek #discount
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Replace Your Carb with a Terminator® self-learning ECM! Get a Holley V8 4bbl. 950 CFM (250-600 HP) starting from $2759.99 This offer runs until Feb 29, 2016. #carb #replaccarb #termintorefi #holleyterminatorefi #terminatorefi #holley #aadiscountauto #performance #performanceparts
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We have Diesel Motor Oil: Premium CJ-4 Diesel Oil for $14.71 until Feb 29, 2016. This oil offers: - Exceptional overall engine protection - Excellent cold temperature properties - Outstanding soot control - Extreme protection against oil thickening - Protects against rust, wear, and bearing corrosion - Excellent protection against sludge and varnish formation - Resistant to viscosity and thermal breakdown at high temperatures View it here: #diesel #enginehealth #autoparts #oil #specials #hamilton #stoneycreek
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Get a Hurst Shifters Roll Control Kit starting from $159.99. This special runs until Feb 29, 2016. Provides positive locking action to the front wheels of race cars, reducing the chance of “Rolling the Lights” and producing more effective “Burn Outs.” Stainless steel valve assembly provides corrosion resistance. #hurst #hurstshifters #rollcontrolkit #rollingthelights #racecar #performance #performanceparts #deal #special #stoneycreek
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Schumacher Wheel-Style-Starter-Charger for only $469.30 ea. This special is valid until Feb 29, 2016. SF-3000 200 amp | 80 amp | 60 amp | 44 amp | 30 amp Charges a variety of batteries: 6, 12, 18 and 24 volts. With this charger, the user no longer needs to separately charge 18 and 24-volt batteries. #schumacher #wheelstylestartercharger #schumachercharger #chargerdeals #aadiscountauto #hamilton #autoparts
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Take racing to the next level... Royal Purple Oil Filters are only $16.99 ea until Feb 29, 2016. Royal Purple manufactures only one type of oil filter – the super-premium Extended Life Oil Filter, designed and engineered to match superior particle removal with optimized flow for maximum engine protection and filter life. Built smarter and stronger, Royal Purple synthetic oil filters continuously outperform in the toughest conditions. #royalpurple #royalpurpleoilfilter #oilfilter #racingoilfilter #racing #bestoilfilter #performanceparts #aadiscountauto
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We have Western Weld heavy duty repair cords for only $9.54. This price is valid until Feb 29, 2016. Western States is a trusted and source for tire repair products. 60 pieces per box. #westernstatesmanufacturing #tiresupplies #brownstring #tirerepairs #autoparts #hamilton #sale #discount
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AP Muffler cement is only $ 4.09 until Feb 29, 2016. - Muffler putty - muffler seam sealer - Muffler cement 16 ounce - T27 AP #APMufflercement #mufflerputty #mufflerseamsealer #mufflercementsale #hamilton #aadiscountauto #autoparts
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Do you have NOS? Get a Super PowerShot with included NOS Jet Pack. This NOS system is adjustable at 100-125-150 HP! 05101NOS Holley 4-bbl. Flange is only $849.99. #NOS #Superpowershot #powershot #nossystem #jetpack #nossale #aadiscountauto #stoneycreek #performanceparts
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Pro-Motive Reversible Electric Fans are on sale starting from $75.99. This deal is hot!!! #ProMotive #Reversible #ElectricFans #ProMotiveReversibleElectricFans #aadiscountauto #crazydeals #performanceparts #stoneycreek #hotdeals
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K&N Performance Air Intake System for a 2003 -2008 Dodge Ram with Hemi: 1500, 2500, 3500. Crazy blowout $300.00 or best offer clearance. Only one available. Get it while it's here. Stoneycreek location only. 877 Barton St, Stoney Creek, ON. L8E 5G6. Call us for availability. 905.643.7700 #stoneycreek #clearout #deal #KNPerformance #AirIntakeSystem #airintakesystem #dodgeram #hemi
Happy Family Day! To celebrate this occasion we want to give our customers $10 off when you spend $100* or more on anything in-store. Valid: February 15, 2016 - February 21, 2016 Download the coupon here. Terms and conditions: Minimum $100 purchase required before taxes, after discounts. No cash value. Can not be combined with any other coupon. Employees are not eligible for discount. One coupon per customer per transaction per day. Not valid on past purchases. Coupon valid at 765 Woodward Ave, Hamilton, ON. L8H 6P5 only. Coupon must be presented at checkout. #deal #10off #familyday #familydaysale #aadiscountauto #hamilton #hamiltonpartsstore #dealoftheweek #discount

We have Diesel Motor Oil: Premium CJ-4 Diesel Oil for $14.71 until Feb 29, 2016. This oil offers: - Exceptional overall engine protection - Excellent cold temperature properties - Outstanding soot control - Extreme protection against oil thickening - Protects against rust, wear, and bearing corrosion - Excellent protection against sludge and varnish formation - Resistant to viscosity and thermal breakdown at high temperatures View it here: #diesel #enginehealth #autoparts #oil #specials #hamilton #stoneycreek

Schumacher Wheel-Style-Starter-Charger for only $469.30 ea. This special is valid until Feb 29, 2016. SF-3000 200 amp | 80 amp | 60 amp | 44 amp | 30 amp Charges a variety of batteries: 6, 12, 18 and 24 volts. With this charger, the user no longer needs to separately charge 18 and 24-volt batteries. #schumacher #wheelstylestartercharger #schumachercharger #chargerdeals #aadiscountauto #hamilton #autoparts

Do you have NOS? Get a Super PowerShot with included NOS Jet Pack. This NOS system is adjustable at 100-125-150 HP! 05101NOS Holley 4-bbl. Flange is only $849.99. #NOS #Superpowershot #powershot #nossystem #jetpack #nossale #aadiscountauto #stoneycreek #performanceparts

AP Muffler cement is only $ 4.09 until Feb 29, 2016. - Muffler putty - muffler seam sealer - Muffler cement 16 ounce - T27 AP #APMufflercement #mufflerputty #mufflerseamsealer #mufflercementsale #hamilton #aadiscountauto #autoparts

Would you like a free bottle of wiper fluid? Get a free bottle of Windshield washer fluid when you purchase two Michelin wipers blades. While supplies last. Available only at our Hamilton Store located at 765 Woodward Ave, Hamilton, ON. L8H 6P5. Must show coupon. Download coupon here: #free #freewiperfluid #freewindshieldwiperfluid #dealoftheday #aadiscountauto #hamilton #autoparts #partsstore #getthisdeal

Do you want to see deals on performance parts? Check out our newest page on our website. We just added over 90 new deals. Must see it! The deals are hot and ending February 29, 2016. #PartsPro #partdeals #discountedparts #performanceparts #hamilton #stoneycreek #mustsee #aadiscountauto #getadeal

Rayovac Keyless Entry Batteries Lithium Carded 1-Pack, 3.0 Volt are on sale for only $2.68 ea until Feb 29, 2016. While supplies last, please ask staff for details. These Keyless Entry Batteries are Lithium Carded 1-Pack, 3.0 Volt ea. KECR1620-1 KECR1632-1 KECR2016-1 KECR2032-1 #Rayovac #RayovacKeylessEntryBatteries #KeylessEntry #Batteries #3Volt #aadiscountauto #sale #hamilton #autopartsstore

Deep Creep is on sale for only $7.24 ea until Feb 29, 2016. While supplies last, please ask staff for details. Deep Creep is safe and incredibly versatile penetrant, lubricant and pure petroleum cleaner that can be used in a wide variety of professional and household applications. Deep Creep is a petroleum based product that contains NO harsh chemicals. This makes Deep Creep safe for paints, plastics, rubber products or protective coatings. #deepcreep #penetrant #lubricant #purepetroleumcleaner #cleaner #sale #aadiscountauto #hamiltonpartsstore #autoparts #seafoam #dc14

Our Stoney Creek Store now has Redhorse Performance products. Redhorse Performance offers hose ends, hoses, adapters, brake lines & fuel system, and accessories. These products are the hottest items to hit our store this February. Come by and check it out. Ask for Jesse. #redhorse #red #horse #redhorseperformance #hoses #brakelines #adaptors #fuelsystem #accessories #stoneycreekperformance

We now have Fram Ultra Synthetic Oil Filters!!! Fram Ultra Synthetic Oil Filters are perfect to protect your investment. Fram Traps and holds more than double the dirt of ordinary oil filter brands. Ultra Synthetic is the best filter for consumers looking to get the most out of their investment in full synthetic oil. Drivers looking for top performance from newer engines and maximum protection for older vehicles will find FRAM Ultra Synthetic to be the perfect filter at the perfect price. #Fram #UltraSyntheticOilFilters #FramFilters #CheapFramFilters #FramSale #SyntheticOilFilters #AAdiscountAuto #StoneyCreek

50% OFF SELECTED RIM PACKAGES.... Get 50% off selected RIM packages at our Stoney Creek store. Call Jesse or ask staff for details. Lot's of variety! This is while supplies last... You need to get to our store now! #rims #rimpackages #stoneycreek #deal #special #newrims #tireandrims #aadiscountauto #saleonrims #rimstore

Leaking rads suck! We have the perfect solution for you and it's on sale. Get Rislone Radiator Stop Leak Concentrate for only $4.16 ea until Feb 29, 2016. This works with all types of antifreeze coolant and/or water. • Stops & Seals Coolant Leaks • Seals Leaks in Radiators, Gaskets, Heater Cores & Freeze Plugs. This offer is while supplies last. Please ask staff for details. #Rislone #Radiator #StopLeak #Concentrate #RisloneRadiatorStopLeak #sale #deal #Hamilton #Stoneycreek #aadiscountauto #autopartsstore #leakingrad

This diy invention is very funny. Instead of repairing your air conditioning, just use your window air conditioner from your house with a generator. #diy #airconditioner #repairfail #diyfail #risky #fixmyair #diyexpert #fail #cheap #diyidea

Do you own a Dorman Wheel Stud Tech Tray? You need this for your shop or garage and it's on sale for only $146.93 for the whole Kit. This special runs until Jan 31, 2016 and is While supplies last and no rain checks. Please ask staff for details. This kit contains our most popular wheel studs. Each piece is made from quality materials for long lasting durability. The weighs about tray 13 pounds and is convenient to move between projects. The kit is: - Cost Efficient - Saves time - Keeps the hardware organized - All pieces available for reorder - Visual reference guide #Dorman #WheelStudTray #DormanWheelStudTechTray #Special #Deal #Hamilton #AADiscountAuto #autopartsstore
