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M.K.S Healing

67 Lupine Drive, Haines Junction, Canada
Local Business



Welcome to the Arts Of Holistic Healing!
… truly all is love …
I work in Haines Junction and in Whitehorse, YT, Canada and over the distance. Out beyond ideas
of wrong-doing
and right-doing
there is a field
I´ll meet you there"  



Photos from M.K.S Healing's post

Hello, don´t know what to do for the rest of your day - besides having coffee & tea in the bakery 😉 ? so GREAT they are open again ! Paint Mountain Pottery studio and gallery are open this Saturday until 8pm and tomorrow the last spot for a healing treatment with a special April discount is available at 10am 😊 ! Give me a call @ 333 2611 Enjoy 🌞 Monika

Photos from M.K.S Healing's post

Die Köpfe der Genies

Naowa Naturkosmetik & Duftmanufaktur

Naowa Naturkosmetik & Duftmanufaktur

Timeline Photos

LISTENING - to others and to your inner voice ! It is a gift to be a good listener 🙏🏽 it is awesome to have a good hearing ... if one can hear the wind whispering in the trees 🌲🌳 and what a grace to listen to the inner voice of your own self 💞! To improve and support this abilities i´m happy to provide you with a session of traditional ear candling combined with an energy balance treatment. Relax, rejuvenate and listen 😊 ! Purifying ear candles with the scent of honey, sage and camomile 🌼🌿 will be used ... while you relax on a massage table and receive an harmonizing energy treatment 🌞🌸🌝. Please contact me for an appointment on my cell 333 2611 or private msg. Thank You ! Monika

Timeline Photos

Photos from M.K.S Healing's post

Hello everybody :-) Spring is around the corner- time to welcome the new - outside and inside as well ! Like in a well prepared garden soil where flowers will grow beautifully - your ideas and wishes will be flourishing when your inner mind set is clear and you are emotionally well balanced. Don´t carry overcome or burdensome patterns, emotions ... along - there is no need, everything can be transformed by you! Once in a while you may need a support on your way - i´m happy to support you with my holistic health and healing service! Please contact me at 333 2611 and ask for further information and rates. In APRIL you will get a special spring discount of 15% off the regular fee for a 1-2 hour session in Haines Junction. Thank you and enjoy ! With love and light - Monika

Photos from M.K.S Healing's post


good advice :-)

Hay House

Der größte Friedensmarsch aller Zeiten: Millionen Menschen gehen gemeinsam für Frieden

Politik und Zeitgeschehen

Politik und Zeitgeschehen

Deine systemische Aufstellung

Fuer alle Interessierten in Deutschland moechte ich den Workshop von Gabriella Bellino bei Myriam Veit in Sanzenbach-Rosengarten empfehlen! Gabriella ist eine erfahrene und gefuehrte Therapeutin! Die systemische Aufstellungsarbeit ist intensivst loesungsorientiert und bietet Heilung auf allen Ebenen deines Seins!! Naeheres findet ihr weiter unten im Text - UND bitte zeitnah anmelden :-) Ich wuensche allen ein wundervolles Seminar !! Monika Kaete Steputh

Deine systemische Aufstellung

Akram Khan

Akram Khan
