M.K.S Healing
Welcome to the Arts Of Holistic Healing!
… truly all is love …
I work in Haines Junction and in Whitehorse, YT, Canada and over the distance. Out beyond ideas
of wrong-doing
and right-doing
there is a field
I´ll meet you there"
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Photos from M.K.S Healing's post
Hello, don´t know what to do for the rest of your day - besides having coffee & tea in the bakery 😉 ? so GREAT they are open again ! Paint Mountain Pottery studio and gallery are open this Saturday until 8pm and tomorrow the last spot for a healing treatment with a special April discount is available at 10am 😊 ! Give me a call @ 333 2611 Enjoy 🌞 Monika
Die Köpfe der Genies
Naowa Naturkosmetik & Duftmanufaktur
Timeline Photos
LISTENING - to others and to your inner voice ! It is a gift to be a good listener 🙏🏽 it is awesome to have a good hearing ... if one can hear the wind whispering in the trees 🌲🌳 and what a grace to listen to the inner voice of your own self 💞! To improve and support this abilities i´m happy to provide you with a session of traditional ear candling combined with an energy balance treatment. Relax, rejuvenate and listen 😊 ! Purifying ear candles with the scent of honey, sage and camomile 🌼🌿 will be used ... while you relax on a massage table and receive an harmonizing energy treatment 🌞🌸🌝. Please contact me for an appointment on my cell 333 2611 or private msg. Thank You ! Monika
Photos from M.K.S Healing's post
Hello everybody :-) Spring is around the corner- time to welcome the new - outside and inside as well ! Like in a well prepared garden soil where flowers will grow beautifully - your ideas and wishes will be flourishing when your inner mind set is clear and you are emotionally well balanced. Don´t carry overcome or burdensome patterns, emotions ... along - there is no need, everything can be transformed by you! Once in a while you may need a support on your way - i´m happy to support you with my holistic health and healing service! Please contact me at 333 2611 and ask for further information and rates. In APRIL you will get a special spring discount of 15% off the regular fee for a 1-2 hour session in Haines Junction. Thank you and enjoy ! With love and light - Monika
good advice :-)
Hay House
Der größte Friedensmarsch aller Zeiten: Millionen Menschen gehen gemeinsam für Frieden
Politik und Zeitgeschehen
Deine systemische Aufstellung
Fuer alle Interessierten in Deutschland moechte ich den Workshop von Gabriella Bellino bei Myriam Veit in Sanzenbach-Rosengarten empfehlen! Gabriella ist eine erfahrene und gefuehrte Therapeutin! Die systemische Aufstellungsarbeit ist intensivst loesungsorientiert und bietet Heilung auf allen Ebenen deines Seins!! Naeheres findet ihr weiter unten im Text - UND bitte zeitnah anmelden :-) Ich wuensche allen ein wundervolles Seminar !! Monika Kaete Steputh
Akram Khan