Tea Café � Board Games � Barbershop "Is this a cafe or a Barbershop?"
The answer is both and more! Not only do we specialize in organic loose leaf tea and espresso, we have a classic barbershop & offer both haircuts for men and women as well as classic wet shave services. We also have a unique Board Game Rental program where you can take home a board game for a full seven days for just 7dollers! Love the game you rented? we can order it for you and roll over your rental fee into the cost of the game! WIN WIN! So come on in, gather around a great game, sip some seriously ahsome coffee (maybe even get a shave) and take in local goodness in all of its glory!!
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facebook.comA group of brave local heros (Jared Bond, Jason Bartholomew, Amanda schofield, Mark Clifford, Chris Wakefield, and storytold by a Johny Ahsome) will work together to battle foe in the fantasy world of Dungeons and Dragons. Their goal: to be victorious at the end of a full 24 hour quest. Pledge to see them conquer the monsters of the depth (with all funds raised being donated to the Gravenhurst High School’s Breakfast Club Program. Quest begins on Saturday March 17th at noon and will run for 24 hours straight ending at noon on Sunday March 18th To contribute check out this link: https://www.gofundme.com/24hoursofdnd
It’s that time of year again! Our 24 hour Dungeons and Dragons Event is planned for March 17-18th beginning at noon with all proceeds raised to be donated to Gravenhurst High School‘s Breakfast Program!
And another! Great job to the best high school around!
This is why our Gravenhurst High School is amazing! Great job!
A heads up of a great gardening event happening at our very own Gravenhurst Public Library this Tuesday, March 6th at 6:30!
Matcha lattes are always good to get your brain buzzing!!!! Full of studying enzymes this concentrated sencha tea has been used for centuries by meditating monks. Ceremonially Ahsome #matcha #stayahsome #studentsinmuskoka #midterms #muskokalife
We decided this year to collaborate with the Gravenhurst Public Library and instead of splitting our gardening passions, we feel it best to hold the seed exchange at one location vs two. So this year, the Gravenhurst Library is hosting a SEED EXCHANGE! March 6that 6:30!
Do you have old board games, new board games, miniatures, video games etc you would like to sell or buy? On Sunday May 20th we will be holding our first annual Gamer’s Garage Sale! For more information on having a table to sell your wares contact us here! Space available on a first come basis.
💥💥Board game rental recommendation!!💥💥 This week we recommend SHERLOCK HOLMES - CONSULTING DETECTIVE. A challenging game for those who can commit to solving crimes by reading newspapers, interviewing suspects, and walking the streets for clues. Once you have completed your investigation, compare your results with the sleuth himself, Sherlock Holmes. This game is hard, so beware that a challenge is in store. #sherlockian #cumberbabe #fromhell #jacktheripper #solved #boardgamerental #somethingtodothisweekend