Muskoseepi Park
Description a Cree word meaning Bear Creek. Muskoseepi Park reveals the rich cultural heritage and natural beauty of our region. The park features over 1100 acres of parkland with six distinct areas offering their own special opportunities. Muskoseepi Park Facebook Comments Guideline
Muskoseepi Park welcomes your comments! Our goal is to share ideas and information with as many citizens, organizations,visitors, and businesses as possible. We accept the majority of comments made on our Facebook Page, but it is important for you to know that this is a moderated online discussion site and not a public forum.
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Need a refill on your water bottle? We have you covered! Check out our brand new water bottle filling station located inside the Ernie Radburn Pavilion. Seventy two fills already!

Muskoseepi Park's cover photo
Any day at Muskoseepi Park is a good day! Need more info -

Muskoseepi Park

Hop on down to Muskoseepi Park for your chance to see the Easter Bunny from 12pm-4pm! Admission is 5$ per child. Activities include cookie decorating, face painting games, and an EGG HUNT!
Don't let the snow spoil your Easter, the extravaganza is still a go today down at Muskoseepi Park! Join us for fun, games and an afternoon of fun!
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Looking for a great way to spend Easter with the kids? Don't let poor weather dampen your spirits as our Easter Eggstravaganza will run snow or shine. We will move activities indoors to ensure everyone stays warm and dry. Come join us tomorrow for a great afternoon of fun!!!

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Shine or snow, the Eggstravaganza is still a go! We have moved most of our eggciting activities inside, including our goodie guess!

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Don't let bad weather put a damper on your Easter!! We will be ready for the Kids, snow or shine, for tomorrow's Easter event at Muskoseepi Park. If necessary we will move as much of the event as we can into the Ernie Radbourne Pavilion to ensure everyone stays warm and dry. Face painting, Cookie decorating and all sorts of fun await the little ones!!

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Snow or shine we are ready for the kids to put on a great Easter event!! we still have some early event tickets available so make your way down to the Ernie Radbourne Pavilion and get yours today!!

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Still thinking about something to do with the kids over spring break next week? We look no further, for the low cost of $100 you can keep them bust with activities, games and field trips (to a pizza restaurant to make their own custom pizza !!) Muskoseepi Park is the place for them. Give us a call at 780-539-0451 to register or check us out online at :

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Hard to believe but we still have a few of the early entrance passes to our Easter Eggstravaganza. Don't delay and HOP by the Ernie Radbourne Pavilion to get yours today!!

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Don't want to keep the kids couped up in the house over spring break? Well you in luck we still have spots available in Muskoseepi Park spring break camp. For the low cost of $100 your children will be kept busy with planned activities and even a field trip or two. Call us for more information or to register at 780-538-0451 or check us out on the web at :
