B.A. Parker Public School is a fantastic school that educates approximately 130 students from JK - grade 8.
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facebook.comKindergarten Corner We have been up to some neat things in Kindergaten the past few weeks! We used the students interest in paper airplanes to launch an investigation into how they fly, we learned all about a new math tool called relational rods and we continued to build our friendships :)
We are having Kindergarten Registration this week at school! See the poster for specific details. If you can’t make it in this week, please contact us and we can arrange something that works for you 🙂
For the "I'm here award" students had the choice to brave the cold and come out sliding or snuggle up to a movie! Everyone also enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate and cookies :)
In Northern Ontario, the scope of persistent absenteeism is wide. Across the region, teachers, faculty, administrators, parents and the community are coming together to be "HERE" for the education of our students. We start to solve the attendance problem by making the "I'm HERE"pledge. #ImHERE #HERECampaign #HEREPledge
February is a busy month at BA Parker! Here are some more things going on planned by our Student Leadership Committee! February 14th - red, white and pink day February 23rd - red and white day to support our Olympic Athletes!
It is that time of year again, Nickel Wars is back! Nickel Wars will start on Tuesday, February 14. Nickel Wars is a fundraiser run by the Grade 8 class that raises money for their graduation. Each class gets a bucket and the objective is to put in as many nickels or dimes as possible. Students from other classes try to deter the competition from winning by adding quarters, loonies, and toonies to their buckets. This goes on for 3 weeks with the end date being Tuesday, March 07. The class with the winning total wins a pizza and pizza cookie lunch to be awarded after March Break. Monetary values are as follows: Nickels: +5 Dimes: +10 Quarters: -25 Loonies: -100 Toonies: -200 Thank you in advance for your donation! Sincerely, The Grade 8 Graduating Class of 2017 and Miss Pietsch
BA Parker will be participating in the 10th Annual Moosecalac Pyjama Day tomorrow (Friday) Participants are invited to donate “A buck or 2” to wear their pyjamas to school or work. All proceeds go to the Moosecalac Fund to support sick children and youth activities within Greenstone. The purpose of PJ Day is to remind people, students and adults alike, that many people from the young to the very old, spend days, weeks, months, and even years in PJ’s because they are fighting some unbelievably challenging medical conditions.
Valentine's Semi-formal dance on February 14th! All students are welcome! All proceeds are going towards Grade 8 Graduation.
Today was Global Play day. The students were able to choose their own activities for the afternoon. We'd say it was a SUCCESS!
Tomorrow is GLOBAL SCHOOL PLAY DAY! BA Parker will be participating in an open "free" unorganized play in the afternoon. Students are welcome to bring toys, but the only restriction is these toys may NOT require batteries or electricity.
Congratulations to all of our January Awesome award winners!!!!
BA Parker January Awards will be Monday February 5th @ 2pm!