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St. John the Baptist Parish, Estevan, Sask.

109 12th Avenue, Estevan, Canada
Religious Organization



We are Christ's Mystical Body - His hands and feet, His eyes and mouth, His ambassadors in this world.


Today is Ash Wednesday. This day marks the beginning of our Lenten journey. The first reading is Joel 2:12-18, the second reading is 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2 and the Gospel reading is Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18. Merciful Father, give us a holy resolve to be open to your graces during this season. Help us to be recollected, persevering, and most of all, loving as we enter into the desert with your Son. Amen.

Today's reading is James 1:12-18 and the Gospel reading is Mark 8:14-21. Lord Jesus, during our upcoming Lenten journey, keep us from all self-deception and hypocrisy. Rather, may honest discernment lead us to perfect joy. Amen.

We will meet in the Church Auditorium for Session Five.

We will meet in the Church Auditorium for Session Five.

We will meet in the Church Auditorium following the 7pm Mass.

The Holy Mass schedule for this week is: Tuesday, February 13 at 7pm in the Church Wednesday, February 14 at 10am in the Church - All Schools' Ash Wednesday Holy Mass Wednesday, February 14 at 7pm in the Church Thursday, February 15 at 12pm in the Church Friday, February 16 at 1pm in the Church - Funeral Mass for Doris Heidinger Friday, February 16 at 6:30pm in the Church - Adoration, Stations of the Cross and Holy Mass Saturday, February 17 at 5pm in Torquay Saturday, February 17 at 7pm in the Church Sunday, February 18 at 8am in Bienfait Sunday, February 18 at 10am in the Church

The reading for today is James 1:1-11 and the Gospel reading is Mark 8:11-13. Loving God, we pray for inspiration as we prepare ourselves for a worthy and fruitful Lent. Amen.

Today's reading is 1 Kings 11:29-32; 12:19 and the Gospel reading is Mark 7:31-37. Loving God, for lives that speak openly of our faith in Jesus Christ. May we show your unconditional love to everyone we meet. Amen.

The reading for today is 1 Kings 11:4-13 and the Gospel reading is Mark 7:24-30. Loving God, protect us and all who stray into idolatry and superstition. You alone are God, personal, ever near, and always loving. Amen.

Today's reading is 1 Kings 10:1-10 and the Gospel reading is Mark 7:14-23. O God, help us to benefit always from what you have revealed to us in Jesus Christ, you Son. Amen.
