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Northern Lights Library System

5615 - 48 Street, Postal Bag 8, Elk Point, Canada
Non-Profit Organization



Northern Lights Library System is one of seven library systems in Alberta, and it helps deliver comprehensive and efficient library services to the north east area of the province. Northern Lights is composed of 46 member libraries, each of whom are autonomous in serving their own communities. Together, however, Northern Lights and its members are able to provide library services to the regional population on a greater scale than a single library could alone.    


Young Adult Use of Ebooks: An Analysis of Public Library Services and Resources

Congratulations to NLLS Public Services Consultant Robyn Gray on having an article published in the latest Public Library Quarterly!! We are very proud of you and your great work!

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One amazing free resource that comes with your TRAC library card is the Archives of Human Sexuality & Gender! Be sure to check it out!

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This Sunday is Mother's Day! If you're unsure of what to get for your lovely mother, perhaps a book at the library will provide the answer!

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While we're a little late, we hope you all had a wonderful World Book Day, which was April 30! To be honest though, every day is book day when you are connected with your library. Be sure to stop in your nearest library today!

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Photos from Northern Lights Library System's post

This week's Library of the Week is Alice B. Donahue Library & Archives! If you're ever in Athabasca, be sure to stop by! Follow them on Facebook at Alice B. Donahue Library and Archives and visit their website at!

Photos from Northern Lights Library System's post

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If you're curious to explore resources concerning American Fiction from 1774 to 1920, be sure to visit the following e-resource free with your TRAC library card!

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May the 4th be With You! Happy Star Wars Day, everyone! Be sure to check out the Star Wars materials at your local library, and explore books available through Overdrive! All free with your TRAC library card!

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Photos from Northern Lights Library System's post

Northern Lights has been conducting community input sessions for developing our Plan of Service. Thank you to everyone who came to yesterday's session in Lac La Biche! We really appreciate your input :) Please contact us to find out if there is an upcoming session in your area! Lac La Biche County Libraries

Photos from Northern Lights Library System's post

Lac La Biche County Libraries

Big congrats for a job well done!

Photos from Northern Lights Library System's post

Happy Monday! This week's Library of the Week is the Ashmont Public Library! If you're ever in Ashmont, be sure to check them out! Visit their website at

Photos from Northern Lights Library System's post

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Curious to explore 19th Century UK Periodicals? Be sure to visit - access is completely free!

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Access to Indigenous knowledges and their cultural materials depends on decolonizing libraries & cultural memory institutions and their services: Report

Great news: the Truth and Reconciliation Committee of the Canadian Federation of Library Associations has released an influential report! This report is the first of its kind, and a huge step forward in addressing Indigenous matters in libraries! To learn more, please visit
