Barrie's Garden Centre - Your Garden Store and more Full Service Garden Centre. With over 1,000 varieties of perennials and annuals, large trees, natural stone, latest garden decor. Full garden design service and installation
Great selection of decor for every season.
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Can’t stop playing with this adorable birdhouse 🐦 #barriesgardencentre #barrie #simcoecountyshoplocal #shop705 #gardencentre #gardening #homedecor #birdhouse #birding #birds #planting

Inquiring minds want To know: What’s on your gardening bucket list by the end of summer?
It’s what’s up in your garden Wednesday!!! Show us what’s happening in your garden in the comments
Timeline Photos
Fall has started to arrive at Barrie’s Garden Centre...are you ready for fall? #barrie #barrieontario #barriesgardencentre #gardening #simcoecountyshoplocal #shop705 #simcoecounty #simcoecountyliving #fallcountdown #falldecor

Photos from Barrie's Garden Centre's post
Lots of visitors in the nursery today! We have plenty of Butterfly Bush in assorted colours to choose from. All nursery stock is 20% off!!

So....wana be BFFs?

We love that this is a problem for just about everyone we know!

Photos from Barrie's Garden Centre's post
A new shipment of amazing perennials and shrubs has arrived!!! Perennial Hibiscus are showing their giant size blooms now! The Hibiscus bloom is often referred to as “dinner plate”. Hibiscus love the sun and need moist well-drained soil. Keep Hibiscus well watered for large flowers and lush foliage. It’s a good idea to mulch the perennial for the first winter. Space plants 2 to 3 feet apart in the garden. Fertilize in spring with a layer of compost. Hardy Hibiscus is slow to emerge in spring in colder areas so be patient.

These Wave Petunias have been a very popular seller this summer! ☀️ Sun Loving 💜 Under the right conditions, they continue blooming all summer long and into the fall. 💙 Spreading, trailing blooms that grow incredibly fast