Nellie Carlson School, recently opened in Sept. 2016, is located in the SW Edmonton community of MacTaggart. Visit us here for social media highlights!
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facebook.comVolunteer Request for our Learning Commons (Library). NCS is happy to announce that we have recently received several hundred (thousand?) new books for our Learning Commons. Over the course of the next two weeks we would like to unpack, barcode, organize, and shelve as many books as possible. Please take a moment to register in our Google Form database, if you have not done so already. We thank-you, in advance, for any and all assistance you can provide.
Traffic Safety Update For the South side of Nellie Carlson (on Maynard Way) Thanks to all who have been following the new traffic guidelines that were posted in October, resulting in improved safety and traffic flow at the front of our School. Please now turn your attention to the south side of the School in the area by the Staff Parking lot and the cul-de-sac across from it. The City has recently made some changes there for the safety of everyone in the area. Please Respect the Following: Do not U-TURN at the cul-de-sac. It is not only illegal, but a safety hazard for students and parents crossing there. Observe NO-STOPPING signs posted at the corners and on either side of the Staff Parking lot, as well as the 5 min loading zone. Do NOT park in the cul-de-sac or use it as a drop-off/pick up location. It was not designated or designed for this. Allow time to park a bit farther away and plan your routes appropriately. Avoid using ANY neighbourhood crescents, cul-de-sacs or driveways as drop-off/pick-up or turn-around points. Instead, continue to the next intersection. Let’s continue working together to ensure safety on all sides of the school, with consideration for the neighbouring community. By The Numbers Along Mactaggart Drive, from the entrance to our Kiss-and-Go loop to the intersection of Macneil Link/McLay Green,there is nearly 450m of street parking in each direction.
SIBERIAN pulls into the lead of the Cub Pride Cup rankings!
On December 4, 2017 the Me to We Social Justice Club will be hosting a mini-We Day in the large gym at 1 p.m. The club would like to invite all staff, students and parents of Nellie Carlson School to attend our mini-We Day. The mini-We Day’s theme will focus around empathy and equality for all citizens. This year, the students of Me to We Social Justice Club will be fundraising to support the Edmonton Youth Emergency Shelter, the Edmonton Food Bank, and the international charity Free the Children. We would kindly ask all mini-We Day participants on December 4 to make a charitable donation in support of our student’s social action. Staff, students and parents interested in making a charitable donation can drop it off with the Me to We students sitting next to the library at lunch. Donations can also be made at the entrance to the gym on the day of our mini-We Day. Parents attending the mini-We Day are encouraged to arrive at our school between 12:30 – 1:00 p.m.
Term 1 Progress Reports Finalized You may now login to SchoolZone to view the complete version of your child's Progress Report. All errors have been addressed and any previously missing marks or comments should now be in place. Thank-you for your patience and understanding, but as before, do not hesitate to contact your child's homeroom teacher is you have any questions.
Term 1 Progress Report Re-Post Please note that we will re-post our Term 1 Progress Reports, later this week, to address an error which resulted in missing comments and/or grades. Grades and comments present on Friday afternoon have not been affected by this glitch. If your child's progress report is still missing information after we re-post them, please contact their homeroom teacher immediately. Thank-you for your patience and assistance!
We all love our furry friends, but please note that dogs are not allowed on school property, at any time, as per City of Edmonton Bylaws.