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Xavier Junior High

, Deer Lake, Canada
Middle School



26 Wight's Road
Deer Lake, NL
A8A 2H6

Ph: 709-635-2196


In preparation for the NL Winter Games and their need to use our school for an athletes village, Xavier Junior High will have an early closure for students tomorrow (Friday, March 9th). Students will be dismissed at 12:10 pm. In addition, please note that athletes are using school owned lockers in the west wing of our building, so grade 8/9 students were asked to clean out their lockers today and either bring items home or store them at the school. Students were advised to bring home all personal items. Lastly, school will be closed to students from March 12th-16th. Regular classes will resume on Monday, March 19th. We hope everyone has an opportunity to get out and enjoy the games.

Please get your Janeway donations in for our Janeway Auction on Friday afternoon. Lots of yummy treats will be available to bid on.

As of September 5, 2017 Xavier Junior High is operating under the NEW DRAFT District Assessment, Evaluation & Reporting (AER) Policy + NEW Xavier Addendum to that policy. The Xavier addendum can be found in our 2017-2018 Student Handbook and on our school website. The NEW District AER Policy can be found on the NLESD website under the "About" tab. Because these policies, especially the Xavier addendum, can have direct impact on students grades, we highly encourage all parents/guardians and students to read these documents. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school. In addition, we emphasize the importance of attending school for all students. If for some reason a student has to be out of school for valid reason, we encourage quick notification to the school regarding such.

Please note that on Thursday, September 7th the following information was sent home with students; 1. Student Handbook 2017-2018 (all students) 2. Student Data Forms (all students) 3. Acceptable Use of Technology Form (grade 6 only) 4. Media Release Form (grade 6 only) It is important that the Student Data Form, Acceptable Use of Technology Form and Media Release Form are returned to the school ASAP. The Student Handbook is for home use throughout the school year. Also, please note that cafeteria/canteen services will begin at Xavier on Monday, September 11th. The cafeteria's two week menu is posted to our school website.


NEAR Xavier Junior High