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City of Dauphin Community Energy Plan

100 Main St. South, Dauphin, Canada
Public & Government Services




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If you got one of these make sure to call reach out to participate! This is the post card sent out to the businesses in the City of Dauphin. If you are a non franchise business owner and your building is less than 15,000 sq ft you are eligible for free lighting upgrades! PM me to find out more or email me at

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The response so far to Power Smart Shops being offered through the community energy plan is overwhelming! The list of participating businesses is growing so don't miss out on the 100% subsidized lighting retrofit. The link below provides some information on Power Smart Shops and other offerings. The incentives offered to small businesses within the Community of Dauphin are higher because of the City of Dauphin's participation in the community energy plan.

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Attention Small Business Owners: Business Lighting Upgrade Program starting April 1, 2017 Starting April 1, the community energy plan will be targeting small businesses with a very attractive lighting upgrade program. If you are not part of large franchise (6 locations or more) and your building is under 15,000 square ft. you are eligible for Power Smart Shops. This offering has also been extended to religious and municipal buildings. This program is a deep retrofit of existing office lights, primarily fluorescent bulbs but also can include exit signs and sensors. To participate message this page or email with: Name of business Contact Phone # Contact Name Your name will be addeed to the list and a lighting specialist will call to schedule an appointment. They will do a site visit and determine what is eligible for upgrade, assist with the paperwork and provide the lighting and installation. The costs are 100% funded through this program*. Do not miss out as this type of offering is exclusive to the Community Energy Plan developed by Manitoba Hydro and the City of Dauphin. *some restrictions may apply

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Ok so not exactly the view we are waking up to this morning but just a reminder today at 12:00 at the Senior Center in Dauphin there is a presentation from Solar Manitoba and the Community Energy Plan. This is a great opportunity to get answers to any questions you may have regarding solar and the available incentives freon MB Hydro. Hope to see you there!!

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Photos from City of Dauphin Community Energy Plan's post

Things are brightening up at the Fire Hall! LED high bay lighting that won't need to be changed for 20 years and state of the art led office panels for the rest of the building. The panels being installed in the offices and classroom are a solid LED panel approx. 1" thick that pops right into any suspended ceiling. These panels are also fully dimmable. If you have incandescent lights anywhere other than your oven bulb you're doing it wrong because energy efficient LED's are the way of the future. Every dollar saved on electricity is another dollar that can be spent on keeping the community safe, way to go Dauphin Fire Department!

Photos from City of Dauphin Community Energy Plan's post

Photos from City of Dauphin Community Energy Plan's post

It was a big day Friday for City Hall and the Community Energy Plan. As part of the ongoing effort to become more energy efficient, technicians were busy upgrading all of the lighting with LED's and switches with activation sensors. At the same time a feasibility study of the heating and cooling system was underway to determine how to reduce operating costs while improving performance and comfort. The City of Dauphin is committed to leading the way in becoming more energy efficient. Follow this page to keep informed of events and initiatives of the Community Energy Plan.

Photos from City of Dauphin Community Energy Plan's post

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Currently there is an incentive through Power Smart to offset the cost of equipment and installation of solar PV systems. Additionally, Manitoba Hydro offers financing on solar systems and the response has been overwhelming as Manitoba is ideal for solar generation. Solar PV technology has improved drastically in the last 5 years and the costs have been steadily declining. Manitobans are investing in solar for homes, businesses and farms in increasing numbers. The presentation will answer any questions about the equipment and all the related costs and incentives. Please take advantage of this opportunity to get firsthand information without having to leave Dauphin. This presentation is one of the ongoing initiatives of Dauphin's Community Energy Plan. Hope to see you there!

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Residential Heat Recovery Ventilator Control Program - Heating

Have an older controller on your HRV? Manitoba Hydro Power Smart is now paying$150 dollars to upgrade them! Find out if you are eligible by clicking below:


It is exciting to see some individuals and businesses in the Dauphin community are exploring the idea of Solar Power. Manitoba Hydro is here to help with incentives and information! Find out more at:

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Manitoba Hydro Power Smart now has a lighting program for apartment building owners. This is definitely worth checking out!

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