Cumberland Dental Centre
Are you trying to find a dentist in Cumberland, BC? Cumberland Dental Centre can help with a full offering of dental services. Give us a call today! Cumberland Dental Centre is a family dental practice in Cumberland, BC providing a full range of services to patients. We offer specialist services including periodontics, Invisalign, and sedation dentistry all under one roof. Call us today to make an appointment.
Family dentistry practice offering dental services plus cosmetic services, BOTOX, sedation dentistry, dental implants and Invisalign. Call our office today.
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A toothache is never something you should treat with a few aspirin and “just hope it goes away” — it won’t, not on its own. When you’re experiencing pain or swelling, it’s a sign something is wrong with your teeth or gums. Give us a call and tell us about your symptoms so we can help.
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If you hurt one of your teeth, make sure to call us right away so we can assess the situation and get you in as soon as possible.
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Can you believe today is Root Canal Appreciation Day? Nope, we didn’t make it up! It’s a strange sort of a holiday, but we’re still grateful root canals exist — without them, a lot of us would be in a lot of pain!
Relay for life fundraiser
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Don’t forget Mother’s Day is coming up (May 14). We’d like to wish all the mothers and grandmothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day. We’re grateful to them for always reminding us to brush and floss!
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Do you use mouthwash? Remember not to use it immediately after brushing because it will rinse away the fluoride from your toothpaste.
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While it’s important to brush at least twice a day, you only need to floss once a day — and we recommend doing it at night. That way, you’ll remove the day’s plaque and go to bed with a fresh, healthy smile.
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Toothbrushes grow on trees?! Yes, kind of! There’s a toothbrush tree known as Salvadora persica, and its roots can be cut into twigs, soaked in water, and scraped on one end -- allowing the wood fibres to separate and create a toothbrush. When the fibres wear out, you just cut them out and you’ve got fresh bristles!
Dental Videos | Cumberland Dental Centre
Everyday wear and tear can fracture your teeth, sometimes even right down to the gum line. Learn more about crown lengthening and how it can save your teeth:
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Didst thou knoweth that Sunday (April 23) is Talk Like Shakespeare Day? Thou might wanteth to brush up on thy prose, don't thou bethink?
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This year the Cumberland Dental Centre is participating in the Canadian Cancer Society 'Relay For Life'. Everyone on our team has their own reasons for participating, but one thing we can all agree on is that it is unacceptable that 210 Canadians die from cancer every single day. We have joined together to do something about it. We will walk to help save lives. The money we raise will fund Canada’s most promising cancer research and vital support services for people living with cancer and their families. We will go the distance at Relay For Life, but we need your support to get us there! You can find our team page at the following link: