Bubee Stuff
Bubee Stuff is a local business located in Cochrane, Alberta Canada. We specialize in various handmade designs. Bubee Stuff is a local business specializing in handmade clothing and home decor.
Our selection will vary depending on season, crochet and knits in fall/winter, sun dresses and light clothing in spring/summer.
Custom items are available.
How the page works:
Everything is sold on a first come first serve bases. Pictures will be posted of items that are made and ready to go. Comment on the picture of the item that you would like to purchase and you will be contacted asap to arrange payment and pick up/shipping.
For custom orders, please message us with the details of the item you would like and we will get back to you with cost and timeline.
Currently we are only able to accept cash or Email transfer payment.
Shipping with in Canada only.
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This is "Bubee", namesake of Bubee Stuff...and this is her very first STUFF!! Very proud of this talented little girl!!