Breastfeeding Connections Huron County
This page is to support breastfeeding families of Huron County.
Clinics are in:
Wingham 288 Josephine St. Tuesdays 9-12
Exeter South Huron Medical Centre Fridays 9-12
Goderich Maitland Valley Medical Centre Fridays 9-12
BREASTFEEDING CONNECTIONS HURON provides a forum for professional, peer support and information for breastfeeding families of Huron County, Ontario. Canada.
The Huron County Health Unit is designated a Baby-Friendly Community Health Facility. We provide current, factually based information; there is no influence of commercial products. We support all mothers and babies, and support breast feeding as the norm of how babies are fed
This page supports breastfeeding & posted comments should be relevant to BREASTFEEDING & parenting.
Tell your friends
facebook.comRegister today! Postpartum support group starting April 20/18.
Have you registered for this event yet? Great opportunity to come out as a family for a Saturday morning play. Will have car seat information available as well.
Have questions about your baby or older child? Come visit the Public Health Nurse tomorrow. We are here to help.…/parenting-huron-dr…/2018-02-27/
FYI for anyone who attends the breastfeeding clinic in St.Marys. HCHU clinics will still be running as scheduled.
"touch in infancy has profound effects"
Postpartum Depression Research Study
If you are having anxiety or symptoms of depression with your baby/toddler, call us to connect with other Huron County moms for support.
The accompanying photo represents 5 minutes of prenatal expression of milk (colostrum) by a mother whose baby is at risk for hypoglycemia. Do all babies need to have a blood sugar at birth? NO. Do all babies at risk for low blood sugar need formula? NO. Read more about low blood sugar at
An estimated 1 out of every 6 women and 1 out of every 10 men experience troubling depression or anxiety after the birth. This is referred to as postpartum depression and anxiety (PPD/A) and can be a tremendously stressful time for the family. PPD/A is often characterized by despondency, emotional instability, anger, guilt, tearfulness, worrying, anxious thoughts or images, feelings of inadequacy and the inability to cope. It may occur shortly after the arrival of a new baby or many months later. For some, symptoms may begin in pregnancy. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms seek help. See the link below for sources of support.
Event open to all. Pre-registration required.
Donor milk bank closer to home.