Hunter's Ale House
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facebook.comThanks for the shout out. We're pretty proud of our PEI Potato Burger too!
Rollins is hosting Music Trivia tonight!! #happysunday #halfpricedpoutine
Who's excited for the weekend!!
One week from today PEI Burger Love will already be in full swing for a day. We can't wait!!!
Trivia with Doc! Tonight!
Join us tonight for Spring Storm Entertainment: Trivia with Darcy at 9 followed by DJ Method. Let's party tonight like we don't have to adult tomorrow! #springstorm #finally #cleanestsidewalksintown #charlottetown #pei
It takes a lot more than 8 cm's of snow to slow us down! Trivia with Darcy @ 9pm! Followed by DJ Method for a once in a lifetime after Trivia Hunter's Dance Party!
Can you believe we are just over a week away from the start of the 8TH YEAR OF PEI Burger Love?!!! Have any of you tackled every one of Hunter's entries? Well, let's keep the trend going!!! See you next Thursday. :D
March Madness continues with another day of All You Can Eat Tacos. Get them while you can, we're entering the third week of March! $19.99/person from 4 pm to 1 am. #todayillexercise #tacos #allyoucaneat #tacotuesday #marchmadness
Some of our favourites are coming to town!
How about a little St. Paddy's Eve partying with Adam & the Foe tonight? Heck, we'll even serve you green beer if you feel like making a weekend of it!
After getting spanked by a punch of terrible penalties and even worse players, The Dallas Stars are at it again tonight in Toronto....if you can guess the score and who pots the winner in the game we will give you a $50 gift certificate! Tonight on Hunter's Corner we feature Endless Ribs at 4pm.....Half priced apps and $9.99 Pitchers after 8! C'mon down!