Sporting Clays is also know as "golf with a shotgun" because of the similarities of being highly social, and the fact that no course anywhere is the same. Proudly family owned & operated since 1988, Silver Willow Sporting Club started by offering visitors a 10 station Sporting Clays course and a 14 station Sporting Clays course. Both with fully automatic machines in a beautiful prairie setting. Hosting both fun and registered shoots, corporate team building events and being a weekend destination for “shot-gunners”, the club has become a destination for all levels of people interested in the sport. They also offer a skeet field, a retail store and upgraded facilities. Also, the addition of the “Shotgun Academy” will provide gun fitting and lessons to all levels of shooters.
Silver Willow has been operating off the grid for almost 30 years using both solar and wind power, composting toilets and a recycling program. All the automatic machines on the course are also operating via solar power. Don and Gwen are pleased to have the 5th generation of Day’s still enjoying the Day family property. Their son Josh Day is now a part owner of the business with a focus on managing the Day and Co. Shotgun Store. Boasting a family and dog friendly* atmosphere for both members and drop in’s, every day is a great day at Silver Willow.
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facebook.comJosh is madly plowing the Summer Course, way too much snow this time of year is making for a late winter season.
" Give us your Best Shot - March Challenge ! " WANTED - photos of you shooting clays in March Each time you come out to shoot in the month of March, post a picture of yourself on Facebook or Instagram, while shooting at one of the stations. Hashtag it #Silverwillowsportingclays (our Facebook page name) and make sure it is set to Public viewing. We will enter the names in a draw for a $250.00 gift card! Draw will be made on April 4th and posted on Facebook.
" Give us your Best Shot - March Challenge ! " WANTED - photos of you shooting clays in March Each time you come out to shoot in the month of March, post a picture of yourself on Facebook or Instagram, while shooting at one of the stations. Hashtag it #Silverwillowsportingclays (our Facebook page name) and make sure it is set to Public viewing. We will enter the names in a draw for a $250.00 gift card! Draw will be made on April 4th and posted on Facebook.
Silver Willow's New Website Be sure to check out our new website at for the latest news and upcoming events. We have lots of new ways for members to keep up to date with what is happening at Silver Willow. Members can now register for shoots on line with pre-advance booking prices. Members can go to the members page and book using their online access to the Supersaas calendar. Check out our new Blog page under the "education" tab. Online Gift Cards are now available.
Etiquette in Sporting Clays Most organized activities have some basic rules of conduct, and sporting clays is no different. These conventions of behaviour, collectively referred to as etiquette, govern the respectful interactions between individuals. Etiquette is defined as: • Conventional requirements as to social behaviour; proprieties of conduct as established in any class or community or for any occasion. • A prescribed or accepted code of usage in matters of ceremony, as at a court or in official or other formal observances. • The code of ethical behaviour regarding professional practice or action among the members of a profession in their dealings with each other. Etiquette in the shooting sports is rooted in a desire to combine both safety and respect for fellow shooters. Courtesy and etiquette are often difficult to distinguish from one-another. When everyone understands the fundamentals of etiquette, the enjoyment factor for the activity increases markedly. The following points are a representative, rather than an exhaustive, list of etiquette for sporting clays. I am hopeful that after having read through the list, you will be able to add one or two more of your own. Carrying of the shotgun – with break-action shotguns, it is normally considered proper to carry the gun unloaded, with the action open and the muzzles to the front. Unloaded is a given, as is having the action open, as these are clearly matters of safety. Having the muzzles oriented to the front is also a safety matter – all safe gun handling requires the shooter to have control of their muzzle at all times. With pump action or autoloading shotguns, it is usually considered best to carry the firearm with the action open and the muzzle pointed directly up. There are some folks who like to carry the firearm with the muzzle pointed down, however, this is generally thought to be less desirable than carrying the firearm pointed upward. The idea behind carrying the gun with the muzzle pointed in a safe direction has as one of its underpinnings the concept of the muzzle being pointed in a safe direction in the event of an accidental or negligent discharge. If one were to have such an unintentional discharge of the firearm, and the muzzle was pointed up in the air, it is only embarrassing. If, on the other hand, the firearm were to discharge into the ground near the shooter, there is the possibility of an injury from the debris, and if you have dogs, that is where they are. You will not get into trouble for carrying your shotgun with the muzzles down, but it is still a better idea to have them pointed straight up. Other people’s shotguns – it is generally considered bad manners to touch or handle someone else’s shotgun without first obtaining their permission. Most shooters are pleased when someone wants to have a look at their gun, and the vast majority will gladly allow you to have a look. Approaching others while they are shooting – There are often differences in the amount of time each group requires to complete a particular shooting station. These differences frequently result in one group coming to the shooting stand while the other group is still shooting. Properly done, the group approaching the group that is shooting should stand back at a respectful distance and refrain from talking loudly while the other group is shooting. Driving up in a noisy vehicle or loud talking can be distracting for the shooter. There are some groups who will come and stand directly behind the stand, and they do so without doing anything that might interfere with the shooters. While somewhat unorthodox, this is acceptable as long as they draw no attention to themselves. The best practice remains to stand back at a respectful distance and not to engage in any activity that might cause any sort of distraction to the shooter. The rules of Sporting Clays relied upon in NSCA events stipulate that nobody may be in the three-foot area behind the shooter while the shooter is in the stand. This rule is generally considered to apply to other members of the shooter’s squad, and not to members of the squad following, as there is a general understanding that they will be some distance away. How you deal with individuals who choose not to observe this courtesy is entirely up to you. Some people will simply ignore those who are disrupting their shooting, while there are those shooters who will confront them. Still others will simply open their gun and do nothing until things quiet down. I am not an advocate of one rude act in response to another, but telling the group following you that you would appreciate not being disturbed is usually all that is required. Observing the Rules – In addition to the written rules for Sporting Clays, each range will also have its own rules. It is the responsibility of each shooter to be conversant with these rules and to abide by them. One such example is the type of ammunition that can be used at the club. Most clubs have a policy that prohibits cartridges with shot larger than 7-1/2 shot. Some clubs, however, also have a policy that restricts the kind of ammunition that can be used. These clubs may require that the ammunition being used be designated “Target” ammunition, and they will not allow any ammunition that has the words hunting or game on the box or cartridge. They may also limit the speed of the cartridges, or the Dram Equivalent, as higher velocity cartridges will usually produce a higher sound impulse when discharged. These rules may have some safety components to them, however, they are more often driven by the management at the range trying to accommodate the concerns of their neighbours over noise levels. We as shooters can help by following the rules. Another rule that is sometimes overlooked by shooters new to the game is the rule that requires the gun to be loaded only when the shooter is in the shooting position and ready to shoot. This is an important safety rule, but not one that is obvious to the new shooter. Instruction – it is a very common trait in many of us to offer assistance when we see someone having trouble with some part of their shooting. At the same time, most people are not happy when someone offers unsolicited advice. This conundrum is best avoided by simply not offering anyone any advice unless they ask. Despite the best intentions, even by those fully qualified to provide the advice, it more often leads to bad feelings than any measureable improvement in the individuals shooting skill level. When the individual is ready to receive advice, they will ask. Until then, watch and respect the individual’s right to figure things out on his or her own. Don’t leave a mess – None of us want to shoot at a messy station, so it is considered good etiquette to make sure all your waste finds it way into the bin at the station. This can be empty cartridge boxes, food wrappers, empty drink containers and of course your empty cartridges. Beyond these basics, it is helpful to the range management if you can knock your cardboard boxes down, as they take up a lot of room in the bins. It takes only a few seconds to get the boxes to fold flat, which increases the volume available for other waste in the bin, and decreases the frequency that the bins have to be emptied. Leaving the station clean and tidy sets a great example for the groups following behind you.
30 years of fun and safe shotgun sports in Southern Alberta, the Silver Willow are sharing their anniversary with clients and staff. The first event for this year was the 30th Anniversary Registered Shoot which happed last weekend with 50 competitors and old and new staff in attendance. The event included a 30 gun salute (see video). Make sure you contact Don, Gwen or Josh and wish them a happy 30th.
Corporate Team Building or Private Events Whether it is family and friends, staff team building, or giving back to your clients. Our guided, private events and BBQ's are a great way to get everyone together. Check out our extensive "Book Your Event" page on the website and pick the Group Package Option that's perfect for your group! Contact Gene today to book your event or for details Email: Direct Line: 587-834-2490
Silver Willow Sporting Club 30th Anniversary shoot. 50 shooters attending, what an awesome group to have out today. Congratulations to the Day family and all the staff (new and old) for 30 years.
I think we will exceed today’s forecast high. Getting ready for tomorrow’s 30th Anniversary Shoot!! Who’s coming?!?!
Andrew Harvison Shooting Lessons For Intermediate to the Very Experienced Andrew is a British Open Sporting Champion and a qualifier for the English team in all three domestic disciplines. Andrew has credentials for coaching on European driven hunts and skeet where he was English champion numerous times. Andrew has been the technical skeet coaching author for many years for a prestigious British magazine. Andrew is extremely skilled and a UK Certified instructor, gun maker and expert gun fitter. Andrew will be In Alberta from May 2018, Services based out of Silver Willow Inquires & Reservations, Please Email
NSCA Level 1 Instructors Course The next NSCA Level One Instructor course will be held at Silver Willow Sporting Club on Friday, April 20, Saturday, April 21 and Sunday, April 22. Training will be facilitated by our resident instructor Luther Cutts. The course will cover fundamentals of firearm safety and how to get new shooters to hit targets. If you are interested in obtaining this certification, or you would like to know more about it, please follow this link or contact Luther at
The Day and Co. Feature of the Month MARCH IS CLEAN YOUR GUN MONTH All Cleaning Supplies are 15% OFF 4 Reasons Why Cleaning and Maintaining Your Shotgun Is Important! 1.) Longevity - Simple maintenance and cleaning can make sure your gun will last for generations. 2.) Cleaning and maintaining your gun will help you learn about how the gun works. You'll learn how the parts interact with each other. 3.) Learn to Lubricate Your Gun. More lubrication is not always a good thing when you're maintaining your gun. When the moving parts of your gun have too much lubrication there will be some issues such as excess dirt build up. 4.) Safety and Reliability - After you've used your shotgun, you should always clean it so it's ready to function perfectly the next time. Steps to Cleaning; A. Make sure the firearm is unloaded; disassemble to clean the different parts of the gun. B. Clean the inside of the barrel with a bore snake or cleaning rod and gun solvent, Crud Buster works really well. C. Wipe the outside of the barrel with a light oil, we recommend G96. D. Lube or grease. G96 Gun Treatment works well for areas where that is required (this will depend on the type of shotgun you are cleaning) E. Use a light oil on the barrel and receiver which will help prevent rusting, with the G96 Gun treatment. Reassemble your gun and make a booking to shoot at Silver Willow ! Experience "OVER THE TOP" service at our Gun Counter !! Did you know that at Day and Co, when you buy a gun, we give you all the maintenance information about your specific gun to insure you have the longest lasting, well functioning shotgun. Choose Day & Co. for all your shotgun and shooting accessory needs If there is a type or style of shotgun you're interested in call Josh or Don at 403-337-2490 or email them at or