Junior Genius Science Club is a hands-on learning experience with curriculum-based science for students in grades 4 to 8. This program supports Ontario learning goals and testing standards. Junior Genius Science Club is designed to assist students to:
• Improve science knowledge
• Develop analytical ability
• Build critical thinking skills
• Build a strong science vocabulary
• Learn scientific inquiry models and experimental methods
• Learn to write effective science reports (grades 4-6), scientific essays (grades 7 & 8)
• And most importantly have fun learning scientific principles!
Students in the Junior Genius Science Club will also have the rare opportunity to create inventions and participate in an inventors’ competition!
Classes begin September 16, 2013!
The program runs on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Students will attend one class per week and can choose between sessions on either Monday or Wednesday.
Monday & Wednesday
Session 1: 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm
Session 2: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Junior Genius Science Club is a total of 34 sessions, 1.5 hours each.
No classes will run on stat holiday weeks, March Break and Christmas.
Register today and find your child’s inner scientist!
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