July 18, 19 & 20, 2014
Besant Park & Campground
33 km west of Moose Jaw, Sk.
3 days of Southern Gospel, Blue Grass and traditional gospel music
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facebook.comWe had a real nice turn out for our Roast Beef Fund Raiser Dinner on Sunday night at the Caron Community Hall. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported up.
The web site it up and a lot of the information is on it. We still don't have our schedule yet but as soon as we do we will put it up.
Roast Beef Dinner
You don't want to miss this great meal catered by Charlott'sCatering
Roast Beef Dinner
Don't forget the annual Roast Beef Dinner on April 2, 2017 at Caron Community Hall. Dinner starts at 5:00 pm. Tickets are $20.00 Tickets must be purchased in advance. Call Wilf at 306-756-2524 for tickets.
Sandy Creek Gospel Jamboree
Sandy Creek Fundraising Roast Beef Dinner Coming up on April 2, 2017 Caron Community Hall 5:00 PM $20.00 per ticket, must be purchased in advance. To purchase tickets call: Ellie @ 306-756-2209 Bonnie @306 -756-5040 Karin @ 306-756-2830 Dinner includes: Beverages Roast Beef Meal (Charlotte's Catering) Dessert
We have most of our 2017 line up booked. Here they are: Link Union The Amundruds Proclaination Quartet Prairie Joe Canada's Double Portion The Pilkey Sisters Ken Overcast Lloyd Helgerson and more.....
We have some of our groups booked for 2017. Mark you calendars because you don't want to miss these groups. Link Union will be back for all 3 days Double Portion Ammundruds Proclaimation and more.... Keep watching for more updates!
There has been a date change in the 2017 jamboree. The new dates are July 21, 22 & 23, 2017. Mark this on your calendars and don't use your programs for your information.
The Blue Collar Harmony Boys