Attending Impact Self-Protection and Fitness will prepare you for situations where violence is the answer. Violent acts are not endorsed by our program but we want to provide the general public with a knowledge and high-level understanding of violence to prepare students for the realities of protecting themselves, their families, and others around them. At Impact, we teach skills and tactics from several disciplines of martial arts including Brazilian jiujitsu, Muay Thai, Boxing, wrestling and the Filipino martial arts. A large part of learning self-protection is nutrition and general fitness. Both of these are taught and endorsed by the instructors.
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facebook.comTeaching kids how to squish each other into oblivion is a blast!#bullyproofkids #futuresuperheroes
What a great night last night! These girls are getting good!
Our mats are in and we are rockin! Ready to kick off our first kids class and adult Gracie combatives! Come check us out at 10 am on Saturday for kids and 11:15 for adults!
Unfortunately, we have had to postpone our first Saturday classes until next week. Unfortunately our mats did not show up in time and we are forced to delay. If you planned on coming out this Saturday, please come on Saturday the 20th of January!
Truth bombs
To encourage parents of our children's class, we have also decided to host a Gracie combative class on Saturday mornings immediately following the children's class. We have found it to be extremely beneficial for parents and children to learn the same art simultaneously. This allows for better interactions between children and parents as well as allow for children to see their parents actively participating in the things they love. There is the option to allow your children to stay in the building while you go through your class. Although, keep in mind that this class is not limited to parents. Once again space is limited so register quickly! Please message us for details. For information on Gracie combatives you can search "Gracie combatives " on google or send us a message asking for details!
With such high demand, we have decided to open a Children's class for young ones ages 5-7! Classes will be from 10-11 am on Saturday mornings starting on January 13th. The cost will be $30 per child per month and the program will run for 16 weeks. Space is limited so be quick to register! Message us for details and to register. Our classes will have the specific goal of making your children bullyproof through the art of jiu-jitsu.
Drills and sparring are essential parts of self protection. Sign up for the winter session and learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Pricing Options: $30/month $100/session ($20 less than monthly payments) $75/10 class punch pass $50/session for Post-Graduate Students (must present valid student I.D.) $10 drop-in fee Sessions are run from January to April and September to December Classes are for ages 8 and up. Children under twelve must attend classes with a parent or guardian.