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Doula, Certified Placenta Specialist & Infant Massage Trainer
serviing Cambridge, Ontario & Surrounding Regions "A doula, or a professional labor assistant, provides physical and emotional support to a woman and her partner during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.

For instance, a doula might offer:
* suggestions on pain relief techniques, such as breathing, labor positioning and massage
* emotional reassurance, comfort and encouragement
* information about what's happening during labor and the postpartum period
* assistance with breast-feeding
* guidance and support for loved ones

Often, however, a doula's most important role is to provide continuous support during labor and delivery. Although research is limited, some studies have shown that continuous support from doulas during childbirth might be associated with:
* a decreased use of pain relief medication during labor
* a decreased incidence of C-sections and forceps deliveries
* a less difficult childbirth experience

Keep in mind that while a doula might add another opinion to the mix when decisions need to be made about labor and delivery — a doula doesn't provide medical advice as a midwife or health care provider would do or replace the role of your health care team. Also, most insurance plans don't cover doula fees."

Roger W. Harms, M.D. the Mayo Clinic

Why hire an encapsulation specialist to prepare my placenta?

Your baby's placenta, contained in capsule form, is believed to: contain your own natural hormones, be perfectly made for you, balance your system, replenish depleted iron, give you more energy, lessen bleeding postnatally, been shown to increase milk production, help you have a happier postpartum period, hasten return of uterus to pre-pregnancy state, be helpful during menopause.

Placenta Preparation Services:
* placenta encapsulation
* placenta tincture
* placenta essence
* placenta body butter/salve
* placenta prints
* umbilical cord keepsake
* more services offered soon

For a free consultation contact

IAIM Infant Massage Training
10 Reasons to Massage Your Baby
To do something warm, loving and special with your baby
To help your baby sleep better (so you can!)
To help relieve constipation and help your baby have regular bowel movements
To reduce gas, colic, crying and reflux
To help you and your baby relax (a lifelong skill!)
To help your baby have a lifelong appreciation of touch and warm relationships
To improve your baby’s digestion and absorption of nutrients
To help your baby’s cognitive development
To learn how to communicate better with your baby
To help you and your baby fall in love with each other

As an IAIM instructor I teach a little at a time to ensure that you are confident with every aspect of infant massage. I offer two main types of service: infant massage classes and private instruction.


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Pictured: Same sex couple take it in turns to breastfeed newborn.

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Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC): Informed and Ready Having a VBAC is a safe and viable option for many women who have had a prior cesarean or even two. We have created this online class to help you know the facts, understand the benefits and risks of all your options, and set yourself up for the best chance of success.

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12 Methods for Natural Induction of Labour

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Ontario newborn bleeds to death after family doctor persuades parents to get him circumcised

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Denmark's 29,000 Doctors Declare Circumcision of Healthy Boys an "Ethically Unacceptable" Procedure Offering no Meaningful Health Benefits

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